Code Interpretation by Code Development
The Building Code Interpretations Committee was presented with a seemingly straightforward question: "Is the covering installed on water supply and drain pipes under accessible lavatories and sinks subject to the provisions regarding insulation in Section 719.7 of the International Building Code?" The answer provided: "No. The coverings for water supply and drain pipes under accessible lavatories and sinks are not insulation." Despite re-balloting this proposed interpretation, the Committee was unable to reach the required majority of 67 percent needed to issue the interpretation. The questioner was then informed that the Committee interpretation could not be issued.

Subsequently, code change proposal FS 123-09/10, was processed through the Code Development Process, seeking to clarify this issue by adding the language to 719.7, which requires smoke developed and flame spread ratings, "This shall include insulation coverings on exposed supply and drain pipes under accessible lavatories and sinks." The Code Development Committee disapproved this proposal, stating that "This level of protection is not required by the code; this material and application poses no threat to life safety and regulating it achieves nothing." The Code Development committee's position was upheld at the Final Action Hearings despite several public comments in opposition.

As a result, the Building Code Interpretations Committee reconsidered the issue and voted to issue the interpretation by the required majority as a result of the clarity and consensus the Code Development Process brought to the issue.