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What Does Government Relations Do For You?
Start the presses! What some Code Council members and stakeholders may not realize is that Government Relations, or GR, does quite a bit of behind-the-scenes work to ensure that the International Codes remain the building safety and fire prevention codes of choice nationwide. That is why we have launched this new section of ICC eNews, to help explain what GR does for you.

Often, GR attends government meetings to answer questions and provide technical expertise, or to debate the merits of the I-Codes versus other proposed safety measures, or to simply monitor the proceedings to ensure ICC's mission remains at the forefront of public safety. We sit on numerous committees, participate in safety programs with other organizations, give speeches and presentations at conferences…we stand ready, willing and able to promote the I-Codes and the vision and mission of the Code Council.

And speaking of speeches, ICC CEO Rick Weiland recently appeared before a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) subcommittee hearing on proposed rulemaking for designing federal buildings with sustainable practices. Weiland detailed how the new International Green Construction Code (IGCC) provides the necessary requirements for the federal government to green its buildings. He pointed to the consensus support of the IGCC—the American Institute of Architects, ASTM International, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, U.S. Green Building Council and Illuminating Engineering Society—to drive home the point that America has a green code ready to be used for federal buildings; one that will act as a model for green and sustainable construction from coast to coast.

While the outcome of the DOE's proposed rulemaking is yet to be determined, rest assured the GR Team is working behind the scenes to provide additional support and information, to answer questions, and to promote the IGCC, the I-Codes and the Code Council.

How ICC Celebrates World Standards Day
September 23 is World Standards Day (WSD) and this year's theme is "Accessibility." The Code Council administered the first WSD in 2003, and this year GR Senior Vice President Sara Yerkes, one of the founding members of the U.S. WSD planning committee, is coordinating the Capitol Hill Outreach Campaign.

Scheduled for September 24 in the Cannon Caucus Room, the Capitol Hill Outreach Campaign will include exhibits from ICC, American National Standards Institute, National Institute of Standards and Technology, and many more organizations. The event is scheduled from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Eastern.

ICC Looks to Partner with States to Receive DOE Funding
The Department of Energy (DOE) recently announced a Request for Proposals to receive funding for $5 million total in contracts for state energy organizations, with a maximum of $250,000 per state. The purpose of these contracts is to provide funding to support activities related to the adoption and implementation of the most current building energy codes, including the 2009 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), and to meet the compliance targets in the 2009 Recovery Act.

The full RFP will be posted by DOE on August 30, with deadlines for proposals to be September 30. Proposals must meet at least one of the three criteria:

a) creating activities/plans to adopt the target codes (either 2009 IECC or ASHRAE 90.1 2007);
b) organizing training activities that "will enhance the state's ability to facilitate effective implementation of building energy codes"; or
c) "activities that will advance the states' level of compliance with state building energy codes."

Click here to read the DOE announcement.

While the request for proposals is aimed solely at state and territory organizations, they are explicitly allowed to partner and share funding with other organizations, such as the International Code Council (ICC). Thus, we have an opportunity to gain not only additional adoptions of, and compliance with, our 2009 IECC, but also to build closer relationships with state energy offices and share funding and expertise with them.

ICC's Government Relations office will be working to expand the Energy Code Ambassadors Program (ECAP) to additional states with this program. We also will be supporting efforts of ICC’s Education, Training and Certification staff to partner with the states to provide training and certification that meets the DOE criteria. ICC members, and Chapter leaders who would be interested in partnering with ICC in their states, should contact either Jim Bax for training or Dave Karmol regarding ECAP.

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