Colleague Sends Farewell Message to Fellow
ICC Member John Neff
Neff was a was a former board member of the Washington Association of Building Officials, former chair and member of the Washington State Building Code Council, and was a member of the World Organization of Building Officials.

Imad Eldurubi, Deputy Building Official for Willdan, Arizona, wrote a farewell message to his friend and fellow ICC Member John Neff (pictured left) following his recent death. Neff served as the Building Official for the city of Lacey, Washington, for 23 years before retiring in May 2010. He previously served as the Building Official for Douglas County, Washington, and as a Building Inspector for Chelan County, Washington.

John's Example
By Imad Eldurubi

By your example my beloved friend,
I learned honesty and generosity,
You never refused anyone who needed help.

By your example my beloved friend,
I learned how to work hard,
I learned how to do whatever needed to be done.

By your example my beloved friend,
I learned that with a little know-how,
Desire and determination
We could do anything we wanted.
You were a great spirit for all.

By your example my beloved friend,
I learned to be there.
You were always been there for all.

By your example my beloved friend,
I learned to laugh and smile
In spite of our circumstances.

Because of your example,
I am proud to call you MY BELOVED FRIEND.
And while I shed tears of sorrow,
The angels rejoice and I am glad.

To John "My Beloved Friend”: I love you and will miss you forever...