Don't Miss Your Chance to Apply for a Code of Honor Scholarship

If you are an ICC Governmental Member Voting Representative, don't miss your chance to apply for a Code of Honor Scholarship to attend ICC's Annual Conference and Final Action Hearings October 21–28 in Portland, Oregon.

The application opened Monday, July 23 at 9:00 am EDT and will close Friday, August 24 at 5:00 pm EDT.

Reminder: the entire application process is online, and applications will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis, so it is critical to apply as early as possible.

Prior to applying, applicants should have the following documentation:

Number of years employed as a code official.
Approximate size of the jurisdiction where employed.
Number of years your jurisdiction has adopted and enforced building safety codes.
List of ICC Certificates, ICC Designations and professional awards, if any.
Are you a previous recipient of the Code of Honor Scholarship?
List of ICC Committee Service (active or completed).
Number of community service hours donated via Code Officials Volunteer CORPS.
Number of past ICC Final Action Hearings attended (if any).

Code of Honor Scholarship Program details are available online at Contact the Foundation Team at 1-888-ICC-SAFE (1-888-422-7233), ext. 4223 if you need any additional information or assistance. Thank you in advance for making this program successful.