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The Women in Code Enforcement and Development Chapter of ICC to Offer Speed Mentoring Event at Dallas Code Hearings
Are you looking for a mentor to help you along your career path? Do you want to find out more of what being a code official is all about? Have you ever wanted to have some one-on-one face time with some movers and shakers in the code enforcement and development industry? If you've answered "yes" to any of these questions, then speed mentoring may be just what you need.

Speed mentoring is similar to speed dating. There will be approximately 10-15 mentors participating as mentees rotate through the tables of mentors spending five minutes with each mentor. This event will take place April 28 at 8 pm. More information about the event, including participating mentors as well as the event location will be forthcoming. Be sure to mark this event on your calendar. This event is open to all ICC members.

New Chapters & Regions Area of the Codes & Standards Discussion Forum
Join the conversation! Tell other Chapter Leaders what's on your mind. ICC websites users can now post Chapter information, announcements and updates in the new Chapters & Regions area of the Codes & Standards Discussion Forum. See what others are talking about!

Building Officials Association of Texas Inaugural Fall Conference
The Building Officials Association of Texas (BOAT) held its Inaugural Fall Conference August 16-19, 2011, in Irving, Texas. In attendance were 253 code professionals. Seven educational tracts were offered with each offering continuing education units. On August 18, BOAT held its awards banquet and casino night. The newly elected board of directors was given their oath of office along with several special awards to BOAT members for a job well done. Pictured above, the newly elected officers for BOAT were administered the oath of office by International Code Council Government Relations Vice President for State Relations Vaughn Wicker (right). From left to right, Director at Large Chris Haver, Director at Large Stephen Draper, Secretary John Brown, Vice President Kurt Kasson, President Lawrence Crow and outgoing President Scott McDonald.

Next year's Fall Conference will be held August 7-10 in San Antonio, Texas. Make plans now to attend.

Look at the newly updated website www.boatx.org for what's happening in Texas.

February Meeting of Building Officials of Western Massachusetts
The Building Officials of Western Massachusetts Chapter held a meeting February 16 in North Adams, Massachusetts. Pictured is President Paul Tacy (standing) speaking at the event.

Fire Chiefs Association of Massachusetts Hold Professional Development Seminar
The Fire Chiefs Association of Massachusetts (FCAM) held a Chapter Education benefit class on February 9. ICC Instructor Tim Ryan taught the ICC Existing Building Code with Mass Amendments class at the FCAM Professional Development Seminar.
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