Construction/Building/Fire Inspector Jobs Rank High on CareerBuilder List

Construction, building, and fire inspectors/investigators rank second and fifth on a new list of the Most Popular Jobs That Pay $25 an Hour by CareerBuilder. Construction and building inspectors ensure that new construction, changes or repairs comply with local and national building codes and ordinances, zoning regulations and contract specifications. Fire inspectors visit and inspect buildings and other structures, such as sports arenas and shopping malls, to search for fire hazards and to ensure that federal, state and local fire codes are met. Fire investigators determine the origin and cause of fires by searching the surrounding scene and collecting evidence. Read more
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Building Inspector | San Luis Obispo, California Neighborhood Services Specialist | Raytown, Missouri
Plans Examiners/Combination Inspectors | Chicago, Illinois Residential Building Inspector I | Henry County, Georgia
Construction Inspector | Phoenix, Arizona Building Inspector II-III | Missouri City, Texas
Residential Building Inspector | Washington, D.C. Code Services Team Leader | Allentown, Pennsylvania
Inspector III | Charlotte, North Carolina Plans Examiner II/III/IV | Ocala, Florida