Monroe County Fire Marshals and Inspectors Association Christmas Banquet
Region VII Meeting
San Diego Area Chapter 2013 Installation Ceremony
Monroe County Fire Marshals and Inspectors Association Christmas Banquet

The Monroe County Fire Marshals and Inspectors Association (MCFMIA) held its Christmas Banquet at Rick's Prime Rib House in Rochester, N.Y. International Code Council Board President Ron Piester, Board member Rob Drexler and Chief Executive Officer Dominic Sims were in attendance.

From left, Ron Piester, MCFMIA Immediate Past President Bill Timmons, newly elected MCFMIA President Tom Tette, Dominic Sims and Rob Drexler.
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Region VII Meeting

Region VII held it met on January 25 in Hagerstown, Md. International Code Council Board Vice President Stephen Jones swore in the new Region VII Chairman Richard Soltis. Also attending were Code Council Board President Ron Piester, Secretary/Treasurer Guy Tomberlin, Immediate Past President Bill Dupler, Board members Rob Drexler and Bill Bryant, and Technical Services Senior Vice President Mike Pfeiffer.

From left, Region VII Chairman Richard Soltis, Bill Dupler, Stephen Jones, Guy Tomberlin, Rob Drexler and Bill Bryant.
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San Diego Area Chapter 2013 Installation Ceremony

The San Diego Area Chapter held its 2013 Installation Ceremony on January 12 in San Diego, Calif. International Code Council Board member Jay Elbettar gave a report on Code Council activities and installed the 2013 officers.

The newly elected Executive Board Officers are as follows: President Philip Scattergood, city of Oceanside; Vice President Karyn Beebe, APA Wood Systems; Seceratary Tiffany Maycumber, SDG&E; and Treasurer Martin Montessoro, city of San Diego.

From left, Secretary Tiffany Maycumber, Treasurer Martin Montessoro, Vice President Karyn Beebe, President Philip Scattergood, Past President Mehdi Shadyab, and Jay Elbettar.
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