ICC Chapters & Regions News
Providing support to more than 350 Chapters throughout the country and around the world
  New Hampshire Seacoast Code Officials Chapter Holds Meeting and Elections  
  The New Hampshire Seacoast Code Officials Chapter held elections during its meeting on May 21. Thomas Johnson is the new Chapter President, Jim Maxfield is Chapter Vice President, and Jim Grant is Chapter Secretary/Treasurer. Recently retired Chapter members Terry Barnes and Richard Hopley were recognized on their service to the code enforcement profession and the Chapter with a Certificate signed by International Code Council Chief Executive Officer Dominic Sims, CBO, and Board of Directors President Stephen D. Jones, CBO, and presented by Board Director Robert Drexler.

Photo left (left-right): Chapter Secretary/Treasurer Jim Grant, Chapter Vice President Jim Maxfield, Chapter President Thomas Johnson, and Code Council Board Director Robert Drexler. Photo right (left-right): Richard A. Hopley, Robert Drexler and Thomas Johnson.

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