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ICC Addresses Complex Issues to Support Code Officials, Industry Build Safe NY Alliance Supports Adoption of 2015 International Codes
Building Science Support and Code Changes Aiding Sandy Recovery NSSA Executive Director Honored with First-Ever Ernst Kiesling Award
Code Council Sponsors and Supports Building Innovation 2015 Update Your ICC-ES Precast Stone Veneer Evaluation Report to AC51
ICC Addresses Complex Issues to Support Code Officials and the Construction Industry

When the need arises, the Code Council brings together Members, stakeholders and other technical experts to address complex issues in the construction industry. As the developer of model construction codes used nationwide, ICC recently hosted three very successful roundtables to engage the industry on several critical emerging issues and topics. The discussions looked at the underlying causes responsible for a series of fires in residential buildings under construction, the code adoption cycle and examination of American households that in this day and age do not have indoor plumbing. Read the reports and submit comments on the ICC Facebook page or the ICC Company LinkedIn page.
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FEMA: Building Science Support and Code Changes Aiding Sandy Recovery

Since Hurricane Sandy made landfall two years ago devastating New Jersey and New York with tens of billions of dollars in damages, recovery activities have focused on increasing resilience of buildings and the lifeline infrastructure. Significant progress on this front includes updated building codes. Read more
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Code Council Sponsors and Supports Building Innovation 2015

January 6-9 | Washington Marriott Wardman Park | Washington, D.C.

The International Council is a technical sponsor and keynote luncheon sponsor of the Building Innovation 2015 Conference and Expo presented by the National Institute of Building Sciences. Attendees of Building Innovation 2015: The National Institute of Building Sciences Conference and Expo will hear a variety of unique perspectives focused on creating high-performing, resilient communities when they attend the scheduled keynote addresses during the four-day event, to be held January 6-9, at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, D.C.

On Tuesday, Jan. 6, the Institute's various councils and committees will hold their annual board and leadership meetings and James "Tim" T. Ryan, CBO, chairman of the Institute's Board of Directors and code administrator for the city of Overland Park, Kan., will give the keynote during the day's luncheon, sponsored by the International Code Council. Ryan will talk about the importance of leadership and collaboration in reaching industry goals — particularly in advancing high performance and resiliency. He will focus on the role the Institute's councils and committees play in supporting the mission of the Institute and realizing high-performing, resilient communities.
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Build Safe NY Alliance Supports Adoption of 2015 International Codes

Code Council Government Relations Vice President Dorothy Harris, testifying on behalf of the newly created Build Safe NY Alliance, encouraged members of the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code Council to update to the 2015 editions of the International Codes (I-Codes). Currently, New York is enforcing the 2006 I-Codes, which were adopted in 2010.

"There are several advantages for the state to update to the 2015 I-Codes with only legislative required amendments such as carbon monoxide regulations," Harris explained. "This could eliminate the additional cost and time required to develop and publish a special New York edition of each code and will allow for the use of the model code 'Commentaries' and training classes which will not need to be customized for the state."

The Build Safe NY Alliance is a broad group of organizations representing many disciplines focused on ensuring that all New York's buildings are as safe, resilient and as sustainable as possible. The alliance believes current building and fire prevention codes ensure the safety of the public and first responders in the built environment.

"The Build Safe NY Alliance supports the adoption of the I-Codes with as few amendments as possible so that governmental members will work through the national code development process to effect changes to the Iā€Codes that address their specific needs," Harris continued. "Since the time the Codes of New York State were last updated, there have been many new developments in building construction techniques, materials and technology that improve safety and resiliency while reducing the cost of construction. New York has also been devastated with several hurricanes and major storms and other severe weather situations which have revealed deficiencies for resilient housing that are addressed in the 2015 I-Codes."
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NSSA Executive Director Honored with First-Ever Ernst Kiesling Award

The National Storm Shelter Association (NSSA) honored NSSA Executive Director Dr. Ernst Kiesling, P.E., with the organization's inaugural NSSA Kiesling Annual Award, which is given to an individual, company, association or entity that has made significant contributions to the storm shelter industry. Dr. Kiesling received the award at the 2014 NSSA Annual Meeting, where he was recognized for his role in pioneering the development of the above-ground storm shelter and in creating and advancing the NSSA.

Dr. Kiesling has worked his entire career to create storm-safe shelters and research into improving buildings for resisting extreme winds. He worked in the research program of the National Wind Institute at Texas Tech University where he produced a comprehensive documentary of building damage following the F5 tornado that struck Lubbock, Texas, in 1970. The data, the first of its kind, was used to develop the original Fujita-scale tornado measurement instrument. More recently, in June 2013 he was invited to testify during a joint hearing of the U.S. Congress Research Subcommittee and the Technology Subcommittee of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee on the challlenges of implementing federal efforts to address storm damage mitigation.

Some of his current involvements include advocating widespread adoption of the national consensus standard for storm shelters known as the ICC 500-2008. The standard, accredited by the American National Standards Institute, is called the ICC/NSSA Standard for Design and Construction of Storm Shelters. All types and sizes of shelters are included, as well as all geographic regions of the country. An ICC committee is currently revising the standard, expected to be ICC-500-2014. Ernst Kiesling is one of several NSSA members who serve on the committee.
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