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First Work Force Accreditation Recipient Honored

The Laborers-AGC Education and Training Fund (Laborers-AGC) of Pomfret Center, Connecticut, was honored by the International Accreditation Service (IAS) as the first recipient of accreditation under the IAS Work Force Qualification program. IAS accredits Laborers-AGC Training operations under the IAS Accreditation Criteria for Training Agencies for Work Force Qualification Programs (AC371), and its curriculum under the IAS Accreditation Criteria for Curriculum Development for Workforce Qualification Programs (AC372). IAS President Chuck Ramani presented the accreditation certificate to Laborers-AGC representatives Gary Gustafson and Cindy Herliekson, at the IAS Accreditation Committee meeting held in Minneapolis during the International Code Council’s Annual Conference.

The Laborers-AGC Education and Training Fund is a partnership between the Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA) and the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC). The organization provides standardized education and training programs, products and services to its 70 affiliates throughout the United States and Canada.

In comments at the awards ceremony, Ramani praised the Laborers-AGC for providing trained, competent laborers for the construction sector. Ramani said, “The vision and leadership of Laborers-AGC, both in service on the IAS Technical Advisory Council during development of the Accreditation Criteria and in being the initial applicant for accreditation, is remarkable. The Laborers-AGC efforts reflect highly on their long-standing dedication to providing a trained, competent workforce for construction in the United States and Canada. Competent, trained laborers are an essential requirement for creating better buildings and safer communities.”

The AC371 and AC372 IAS accreditation programs are unique in that they evaluate a training agency’s corporate organization, facilities, staffing, curriculum, product development and administration. IAS accreditation emphasizes the practical (applied) elements of best practices, based on educational research; and requires that organizations have formally documented processes that are effectively implemented and regularly monitored to ensure their continuing suitability and effectiveness.

Individuals hired from accredited training programs are able to provide high-quality construction services that meet the requirements of building codes. The IAS programs are the first to recognize, concurrently, the unique needs of the construction crafts, contractors and construction regulators. The IAS program is aimed at providing the construction workforce with the tools to achieve high-quality work, and also to ensure that the resulting structures are code-compliant.


First Work Force Accreditation Recipient Honored

Laborers-AGC Education and Training Fund representatives Cindy Herleikson (center) and Josh Kapelner (right) accept the accreditation certificate from IAS President Chuck Ramani. The Laborers-AGC is the first organization to be accredited under the IAS Training Agency and Curriculum Development accreditation programs.

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