IAS eNews

IAS President Chuck Ramani Receives Tangye Award

International Accreditation Service (IAS) President Chuck Ramani was presented with the William J. Tangye Award during the International Code Council’s 2008 Annual Conference in Minneapolis for his skill, intelligence and singular dedication to quality. The award is given in honor of the late Bill Tangye, the first Code Council CEO, to a staff member for unparalleled service.

Ramani has worked for the Code Council for more than 35 years, having started his career as an assistant engineer for legacy model code group ICBO Evaluation Service (ICBO-ES). When Ramani asked International Code Council Evaluation Service President John Nosse if he could examine the organization’s programs for accrediting testing laboratories, he discovered an opportunity for growth and to further the cause for building safety. Under Ramani’s leadership, IAS now accredits more than 400 programs in 16 countries across North America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

“From its humble beginnings as a simple program for test labs, the International Code Council’s International Accreditation Service is recognized as one of the world’s premiere quality assessment organizations—accrediting test and calibration labs, inspection agencies, fabricator inspection programs, product certification agencies, and building departments,” said Code Council CEO Rick Weiland in presenting the award. “Each of these programs, in its own right, is a principle driver of safety in the built environment.”

The award holds a special significance to Ramani because it was Tangye who supported his efforts to form IAS in the early days before consolidation of the legacy code groups into the Code Council. In his acceptance speech, Ramani paid tribute to the many building officials he has worked with over the years, the members of IAS Councils and Committees, and to the IAS staff.

“I pay tribute to John Nosse, my mentor,” Ramani said, “and to many of you in the code enforcement field, to my outstanding staff, my very hard-working committees, councils, presidents of the various chapters that I work with; and most importantly, the ICC management.”

The success of IAS is a tribute to Ramani’s hard work, passion and dedication.

International Code Council CEO Rick Weiland (left) presents International Accreditation Service (IAS) President Chuck Ramani with the William J. Tangye Staff Recognition Award at the International Code Council Annual Conference.


International Accreditation Service (IAS) President Chuck Ramani (second from right) stands with wife Radhika, International Code Council CEO Rick Weiland (left) and IAS Board Chair Majed A. Dabdoub after receiving the William J. Tangye Staff Recognition Award.


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Building Departments | Fabricators | Field Evaluation Bodies | Product Certification Agencies
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