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IAS Conducts Internal Audit Training

Internal audit training was conducted on September 17 for IAS staff to create awareness of the importance of internal audits and how they are properly performed. The training provided a brief introduction to different types of audits (first-, second- and third-party) with a focus on the purpose of internal audits, the internal audit process, qualification of internal auditors and handling situations during the internal audit.

It was noted that effectiveness of the Quality Management System can only be established using the internal audit process. It paves the way to measure the gap between the mandated requirements and existing practices. The traits of auditor and auditee establish the platform for work between the two parties. Open communication and listening is a vital part of the audit. The staff was informed about the pre-assessment preparations performed by the internal auditor.

In summary, congenial, courteous and clear communication must transpire between the auditor and auditee to make the internal audit a value adding process for continuous improvement of the Quality Management System. It was an informative training session for the staff.

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