Rehr retires after 22 years of service.
Technical Services staff engineer Bill Rehr retired after more than 22 years with the Code Council. Rehr's duties included serving as Staff Secretariat for the International Fire Code and the International Wildland-Urban Interface Code, and providing technical support internally for product development, training and certification.

Rehr was a fixture at code development hearings for years and responded to countless ICC Member requests for code opinions and his expertise on fire-related requirements in the codes. Prior to joining ICC, the U.S. Navy veteran worked in the fire service with the city of Wheaton, Ill.

"Bill always represented ICC as a true gentleman and has gained the respect of ICC, its membership and the fire-safety community at large," said Edward L. Wirtschoreck, ICC Manager of Standards. "We all wish Bill and his family the best over his retirement years."
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