What are your top three challenges in designing, permitting or constructing residential buildings?
Are you passionate about residential construction? Do you design, permit, or build homes or apartments and have ideas on how to improve construction methods or develop innovative solutions? Home Innovation Research Labs, a subsidiary of the National Association of Home Builders, wants to hear about the challenges you and your colleagues are facing in your pursuit of building better homes today. If you have ideas on how to solve those challenges, we want to hear about those as well. Your input will help inform a Residential Construction Industry Research Agenda, dubbed #Home2020, that will serve as a guide for directing federal funding to develop the resources, methods and tools needed to produce high-performance residential buildings for today's market.

Make sure your voice is heard and issues relevant to you and your constituents are represented. Visit home2020.homeinnovation.com today and share the top three challenges you are facing or ideas that you think could make home building better. Construction of new or remodeling of one- and two-family dwellings and multifamily buildings in all regions of the United States are of interest. The needs assessment is comprehensive — from performance of building materials and systems, to design and construction processes, to whole-building performance metrics. (The "About" section of the portal provides more detail.) Visit and come back as often as you want from now through May 31, 2015.
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