Wyoming celebrates Building Safety Month 2015.
A special signing event for the Wyoming Governor's 2015 Building Safety Month Proclamation was held at the state capitol in Cheyenne. Members of the Wyoming Conference of Building Officials (WCBO) and Wyoming Association of Fire Marshals (WAFM) Chapters were treated to a tour of the historic state capitol building, culminating in the presentation and signing of Wyoming's proclamation by Gov. Matthew Hansen "Matt" Mead.

The governor addressed the assembled ICC Members and recognized the important role code officials play in keeping the occupants of Wyoming's buildings safe. The timing of the proclamation is significant as the state capitol building, originally built in 1886-1890, is slated to undergo extensive rehabilitation and restoration to bring the facility in compliance with the 2012 International Building Code (IBC) while preserving historic aspects of the building. Major safety improvements addressing egress, accessibility, public restrooms and a complete replacement of the building's electrical and mechanical systems will be accomplished during the next three years while all occupants, including the governor, legislators and other state staff, are relocated in other buildings.

The WCBO and WAFM Chapters also held their Spring Training Conference and Chapter meetings in Cheyenne, where Mayor Richard L. Kaysen addressed the assembled Members and presented the city's 2015 Building Safety Month Proclamation. ICC's Terrell Stripling instructed participants on the 2012 IBC Means of Egress.
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