Global Membership Council Profile: Greg Beste.
A mission trip to Thailand in 2008 brought renewed perspective to Greg Beste about the building profession and building codes — and set the stage for his involvement with the Global Membership Council.

Beste is a registered architect with over 32 years of experience, specializing in the design of churches and associated structures including sanctuaries, fellowship halls, family life halls and schools. He also is a well-known forensic architect, called in by insurance companies and legal teams to investigate damaged building envelopes following natural disasters or man-made events.

Working for companies like The Warren Group, a forensic engineering and consulting firm, Beste has inspected structures in response to cause and origination claims centered on building envelope and roofing issues and code upgrade compliance analysis. His work in design and forensics also required in-depth knowledge of building codes, standards, rules and regulations, which in turn, helped build his close professional relationship with ICC.

Greg confirms, "ICC is a natural fit in my profession. However, after visiting Thailand and other countries in the area back in 2008, I realized that there is a global need for building codes and the associated expertise to apply those codes across cultural or geographic boundaries and that I was in a position to help. The Global Membership Council is a unique opportunity to spread the word about the life-saving value of code adoption. It's been a great joy to be involved with organization that can make a difference."

In particular, he points to specific activities such as the Wish-a-Well Kenya project initiated in 2013 by volunteers in the Global Membership Council and ICC PMG Membership Council to raise money for the installation of a water well and water tank for a village in Kenya.

Beste is a licensed architect in 18 states and a member of the American Institute of Architects. Currently, he is the Project Management Director for IVI International, a CBRE Company, preparing property condition assessments and technical reviews. He has Bachelor's degrees in architecture and environmental design from the University of Kansas.
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