BOMA International supports adoption of the IPC.
Citing ICC's governmental consensus process and its harmonization with the other International Code (I-Codes), BOMA International is urging its members to undertake an intensive effort to influence state legislatures to adopt the International Plumbing Code (IPC). BOMA, a Founding Strategic Partner of the Code Council, has strongly supported the I-Codes since their inception and feels their adoption is essential to bringing safety, consistency and affordability to the nation's building regulatory structure.

According to BOMA's policy statement, "The IPC is designed to protect public health and safety through provisions that do not unnecessarily increase construction costs or restrict the use of new materials, products or methods of construction, and without giving preferential treatment to particular types or classes of materials, products or methods of construction."

BOMA cites the Code Council's governmental consensus process used in the development of the IPC and other I-Codes as being essential to their success. "Input is received from a diverse, nationwide body of building, plumbing, mechanical and fire officials, as well as industry representatives such as BOMA and the GSA," the statement says.

Also, the IPC's harmonization with the International Building Code and other I-Codes reduces conflicts in the enforcement of codes in the built environment. "Jurisdictions that adopt conflicting codes will not only have to deal with internal conflicts within their code structure, but 'turf' battles arising within their code enforcement agencies," the statement says. "Such unnecessary, counterproductive and costly battles must be avoided.

"Adoption of the International Plumbing Code, in conjunction with the International Building Code, will go a long way to simplifying the building regulatory system," the statement concludes. "Governments adopting the IPC will set a precedent for others that will be considering the I-Codes."