Ensure your community is prepared: attend the When Disaster Strikes Institute.
Natural disasters wreak havoc on communities. In 2015 alone, more than 100 disasters were declared across the United States. When the unthinkable occurs, code and building officials are on the front lines. Will you be able to see through the chaos to prepare for mobilization, conduct site inspections and estimate damage within the Federal Emergency Management Agency's mandated 72-hour reporting period?

One of only two post-disaster assessment programs recognized by the National Incident Management System, the When Disaster Strikes Institute provides code and building officials with the skills, knowledge and tools necessary to work in a disaster situation.

Through 3-D simulations of actual disasters, the When Disaster Strikes Institute, April 18-19 in Kansas City, Mo., will equip you with the step-by-step insights and tools that will help ensure you can react quickly and effectively if a natural disaster occurs. Disaster preparedness expert William C. Bracken, P.E., has based the 3-D simulation on his own experiences working in disaster scenarios and will use this tool as a starting point for discussion and active participation among attendees.

Register now for the When Disaster Strikes Institute to gain the skills to better:

  • Explain the role of the of the National Incident Management System.
  • Prepare for mobilization prior to a disaster and execute site mobilization procedures.
  • Conduct a site inspection.
  • Estimate damage by percentage of structure or by dollars per square foot.
  • Post standardized notices and/or alternative notices.
  • Communicate with affected persons at the disaster site.
  Be prepared to act quickly and authoritatively, and help ensure your community receives federal financial assistance with timely and accurate reporting. In addition to hands-on, interactive training, you will earn 1.2 CEUs and have the opportunity to share experiences and knowledge with peers from around the country.

About the instructor
William C. Bracken, P.E., is the president and principal engineer of Bracken Engineering, vice-chair of the Florida Board of Professional Engineers, and a senior instructor for ICC. His career has centered on the practice of structural engineering. Within this field, he has conducted and directed design in support of new construction, analysis and engineering of various restoration projects. He has also served as lead investigator on various forensic engineering projects and has provided numerous papers and presentations on topics such as forensic engineering, foundation restoration, structural rehabilitation and innovative use of current technology.

Register today.

The When Disaster Strikes Institute will also be offered July 18-19 in Virginia Beach, Va. Learn more.