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Construction gets lean and mean... maximize value and minimize waste
posted: April 19, 2016 | from: ConstructionDive

At its core, "lean construction" maximizes value and minimizes waste through efficiency, coordination and collaboration. As the new method picks up steam in the industry, professionals are taking notice and incorporating the five S's of lean: sorting, setting in order, shining/sweeping, standardization and self-discipline/sustaining.
Construction pays highest tax rate of any industry.
posted: April 15, 2016 | from: Associated Builders and Contractors

The ABC urged Congress to enact reform and lower the effective tax rate — currently at a whopping average rate of 30.3% — to ensure that construction industry recovery continues.
Construction drone use taking off as industry scores 40% of all FAA exemptions.
posted: April 13, 2016 | from:

The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International reported that exemptions for construction and infrastructure have spiked since March 2015 as drone technology has taken off in the construction, surveying and real estate industries.

8.8% slide in housing starts warns of potential cooling in the housing market.
posted: April 19, 2016 | from: U.S. Census Bureau

Single-family construction saw the steepest drop last month, with a 9.2% slide, and multifamily was close behind with an 8.5% decrease.
2016 renovation industry confidence remains high.
posted: April 18, 2016 | from: Houzz Inc.

The Houzz Renovation Barometer report found that first-quarter business activity is similar to the same period in 2015.
Builder confidence steady in April.
posted: April 18, 2016 | from: National Association of Home Builders

Builder confidence has been unchanged at 58 for three straight months, a signal of the slow but consistent recovery of the U.S. single-family housing sector.
New USRC building rating system addresses resilience.
posted: April 18, 2016 | from: U.S. Resiliency Council

The U.S. Resiliency Council launched its building rating system for earthquake hazards, a first-of-its-kind performance rating based on decades of research and observation that will help to open the building rating system to include hurricanes, tornadoes and floods.
Groups seek to update green building standards.
posted: April 13, 2016 | from: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers

ASHRAE, ICC, the USGBC and IES are proposing changes to high-performance building standards. Nine changes to Standard 189.1 (Standard for the Design of High Performance Green Buildings) opened for public review last week.
Selecting fire characteristics for a CFD model.
posted: April 16, 2016 | from: Society of Fire Protection Engineers

One of the most valued services fire protection engineers can provide is the use of fire modeling as part of a performance-based design approach. The importance of properly characterizing fire scenarios — often referred to as design fires — has never been more critical.