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Three concepts that will shape the future of construction.
posted: April 11, 2016 | from: ConstructionDive

An exchange of international construction industry perspectives can offer unique solutions and a sense of camaraderie. At the RICS Summit of the Americas and World Built Environment Forum, construction industry experts focused on the future and discussed the major trends and movements affecting construction: big data, high-performing buildings, and collaborative contract approach. Read more
An easier, faster way to obtain permits.
posted: March 1, 2016 | from: SOURCE

Rhode Island joins a growing list of states and localities moving away from the delay-prone permitting processes of the past and toward simpler, faster online solutions, such as e-permitting processes, which are simplifying how builders do business. Read more
Solar battles raging across U.S.
posted: April 18, 2016 | from: The Desert Sun

As rooftop solar prices fall, the solar industry is growing more quickly than ever. That growth has thrown the utility industry into a panic about its long-term ability to make money, causing it to play defense in many states where it sees distributed solar as a threat to the current utility business model. Read more
New homes attract energy-cost-saving consumers.
posted: April 6, 2016 | from: National Association of Home Builders

Builders are responding to what home buyers want by offering greater efficiency in the design and function of the home. New homes will include features that will help homeowners reduce energy consumption and enhance the conveniences of modern living. Energy efficiency continues to be a top demand from consumers. Read more
New home sales relatively unchanged in March.
posted: April 25, 2016 | from: National Association of Home Builders

Builders are slowly raising inventory as they remain cautious about the housing recovery. Sales of newly built, single-family homes fell just 1.5 percent in March. Though sales were flat, they are running modestly higher on a year-over-year basis. Read more
USGBC pilot program renews debate over green lumber qualifications.
posted: April 26, 2016 | from: EcoBuilding Pulse

In the tug-of-war over green certification for lumber, several groups have announced whether the U.S. Green Building Council is inching closer to letting any wood other than that certified by the Forest Stewardship Council become eligible for points under the LEED rating system. Read more
Good news for construction: Engineering, architecture rated best for entry-level jobs.
posted: April 25, 2016 | from: WalletHub

Graduation season is fast-approaching, and an onslaught of millennials will soon be entering the job market. Constrcution engineers took four of the top ten spots on WalletHub's list, with architects coming in at number ten and rounding out the list. Read more
Modular micro units take manhattan by storm.
posted: April 26, 2016 | from: Builder Online

A factory-built project in New York City offers a new way to dish up density without turning off renters. Modules are constructed off-site, allowing site work and unit construction to run in parallel time lines until they are ready to come together. Read more
AFSA awards Altizer its "Fire Sprinklers Save Lives" award.
posted: April 12, 2016 | from: American Fire Sprinkler Association

The American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) awarded its "Fire Sprinklers Save Lives" award to Ed Altizer, retired Virginia State Fire Marshal, who has for many years been an outspoken proponent of saving lives through increased use of fire sprinklers. He was instrumental in getting fire sprinklers installed in numerous buildings at Virginia Tech, and he has been shown strong leadership and support in the effort to protect people in their homes through stronger residential fire protection requirements. Read more