An August filled with valuable training.
If you're looking to enhance your non-technical inspector skills, prepare for the upcoming CASp exam, or want to get hands-on experience with recent or upcoming updates to the International Codes, ICC has you covered. Learn more about upcoming single-day seminars in California.

What's New for the 2016 California Energy Standards
On Aug. 18, instructor Christopher Olvera will provide an overview of the new requirements in the 2016 Energy Standards for both residential and non-residential buildings. Register now.

Inspector Skills
Enhance your non-technical inspector skills when you review effective communication strategies, on-the-job diplomacy and general customer service at this seminar on Aug. 22. Register now.

2015 IBC Means of Egress
Led by instructor John M. Gibson Jr., MCP, CBO, CPCA, CFM, this seminar on Aug. 24 will help plan reviewers or building code officials responsible for plan review better identify compliance with the means of egress provisions in the 2015 International Building Code. Register now.

Effective Use of Accessibility Standards in Chapter 11B of the 2016 California Building Code
Attend this seminar on Aug. 25 if you're planning to take the CASp exam, or if you want to deepen your knowledge of the California accessibility provisions. Register now.

All of the above seminars will be held at the ICC Western Regional Office in Brea, Calif.