FLASH announces organizational staff realignment.
The Federal Alliance for Safe Homes (FLASH) recently announced changes to its executive organization.

Michael V. Rimoldi, PhD (ABD), MPA, CBO, CFM is joining the FLASH team as the Senior Vice President of Education and Technical Programs. Rimoldi most recently served as chief building official for Hillsborough County, and as a long-time FLASH nonvoting board advisor. His proven building code, construction and outreach expertise are a perfect fit for FLASH, and the disaster safety movement overall.

Tim Smail will be moving into the position of Senior Vice President of Project Management and Development where he will help FLASH manage its existing project roster, and ensure FLASH is positioned for future growth as well. Additionally, Smail has agreed to serve as Executive Director of the NSSA Outreach and Education Foundation on a part-time basis for the next 12 months to assist FLASH's partners there as they stand up the new entity.

Barbara Harrison and Zoe LaPointe are moving from Senior Project Manager positions to that of Vice President. Harrison will serve as Vice President of Outreach, and LaPointe as Vice President of Communications.

Eric Vaughn will move from Senior to Executive Vice President. Vaughn's focus will retain his Finance and Operations responsibilities, and will work closely with Tim Smail to ensure excellence in project performance and new opportunities. Both Vaughn and Smail will join the entire team as FLASH prepares for its 2017 strategic planning process.

FLASH is an International Code Council Supporting Organization that shares The Council's vision of making America a more disaster-resilient nation.