ICC University: Simplifying the learning experience.
The Code Council is aiming to change the process of learning, and simplify the experience, with its new ICC University.
Albert Einstein said, "Once you stop learning, you start dying." This prolific, yet unpretentious statement is simple in form, but the depth of meaning is indeed thought provoking when a literal translation is applied. Now that you have that graphic image in your mind, think about this all-too-common phrase, "I'm too old to learn." So, if we are too old to learn, apparently we should just wait for the alternative to transpire? I should certainly hope not. So, what is the real meaning behind the phrase, "I'm too old to learn?" While I may not be an expert in psychology, to me this statement is code for, "the process of learning is too difficult, so I would rather not."

The process to learning has changed considerably over the years. We have come a long way from the time when children of all ages would congregate in one school house with one teacher. We still have brick and mortar classrooms, but toss technology in the mix and you get into the e-learning arena.

The options to learn explode with purely self-paced, online, streamed audio, mobile learning, apps, massive open online courses, blogs, newsfeeds, blended learning, synchronous, asynchronous, web-based, CD-ROM and video. Not only must the learner know what they want to take, they need to figure out how to take it.

The sheer number of options available for learning today are enough to qualify why the process of learning has become so difficult. ICC is going to change all that — and simplify the learning experience — with the new ICC University.
The new ICC University will be your one-stop-shop for all your learning needs. You will no longer need to search multiple ICC website pages to locate what publications might be useful and what courses to take specific to your area of expertise. You will go to one page to see and register for online and face-to-face courses. You will also be able to purchase any associated publications right from the same screen.

You want to be a building inspector? Great! You want a curriculum to keep you on track over time with your recertification requirements? Your curriculum is a click away. It's that simple. The new ICC University is going to bring simplicity back into the learning process because if you're not learning, you're ... well you know the rest.

Will we see you at the new ICC University? Coming to computers near you in January of 2017.