Register now for EPA's Safe and Sustainable Water Resources Webinar on March 29.

Learn about "Upcoming Research on the Impacts of Water Conservation on Water Equality in Premise Plumbing" in EPA's March 29 webinar at 3:00 p.m. Eastern.

As part of EPA's Safe and Sustainable Water Resources Research Program monthly webinar series, presenters will discuss how water quality is impacted under low-flow conditions in buildings and distribution systems.

Topics include: "Water Conservation and Water Quality: Understanding the Impacts of New Technologies and New Operational Strategies" presented by Patrick Gurian, Ph.D., Drexel University, and Sheldon Masters, Ph.D., Environmental Science, Policy and Research Institute.

In addition, "Right Sizing Tomorrow's Water Systems for Efficiency, Sustainability, and Public Health" presented by Andrew J. Whelton, Ph.D., Purdue University, Janice Beecher, Ph.D., Michigan State University, and Jade Mitchell, Ph.D., Michigan State University.

To register online:

To view the schedule of upcoming water research webinars: