Code Officials: Real-life superheroes.


Share your photos and stories of when you or a fellow code official "saved the day"

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Superheroes and Code Heroes have more in common than you might think, as both protect the public from harm. This week, trade your hardhat for a superhero cape, and share your real-life, superhero-worthy safety stories with the Code Council. In preparation for Building Safety Month in May, we're hosting a photo contest that focuses on this year's theme, Code Officials — Partners in Community Safety and Economic Growth.

Using #CodeHeroes, post captioned photos on Twitter or the Code Council's Facebook page of yourself or your code official colleagues that create excitement and show interest in the value of the code official profession. You can also enter using our online form. The best photos win an ICC cooler!

Share a picture and story that you think truly demonstrates code officials' impact on their communities. Submit a picture and story about a time when you or a fellow code official "saved the day." Snap a "safety selfie" of yourself on the job. Enter now.