New combo designation going green: Certified Sustainability Professional

The International Code Council (ICC) is set to launch a Certified Sustainability Professional (CSP) designation on July 1. The Professional Development Council approved this new combination designation during its May 2017 meeting in an effort to provide opportunities for licensed architects, professional engineers and code officials to become more involved with the Code Council.

An addition to the Code Council's suite of combination designations, the CSP designation was designed to provide portability for professionals holding ICC and/or California certifications to show proficiency and interest in sustainability across the nation without having to obtain another license or designation.

Since ICC publishes both the International Codes and California Codes, there are two methods by which to obtain the designation, depending on whether an individual holds ICC or California certifications. The Certified Sustainability Professional designation will require a current AIA, PE, CBO, CFM, or MCP license or designation; one current energy conservation certification; and one current green building certification.

The chart below reflects requirements the CSP:

Certified Sustainability Professional Designation (CSP) Requirements
Licensure Energy Conservation Green Building
PE 78 G1
CBO 79  
* CG and CX are based on CALGreen, which includes both green building and energy content.