The Grenfell Tower Fire

Flames and smoke engulfed the Grenfell Tower apartment block in the North Kensington area of London, June 14, 2017. The massive fire tore through a residential apartment block in the middle of the night. Fatalities have been confirmed and dozens of people are receiving hospital treatment.
Our thoughts are with those affected by the recent fire in London's Grenfell Tower. The images and stories from the tragedy remind us of why we do the work that we do — to help prevent these types of events and create the safest buildings for our communities.

There are many rumors circulating about what may have happened in London. Some have pointed to the aluminum and plastic cladding added to the exterior of the building during renovations in 2016 as a potential culprit for explaining the fast-moving fire. While we wait for the results from the ongoing investigation, we continue to study the safest, most up-to-date fire prevention building methods and ensure that the latest technology is reflected in the I-Codes. Read about the activities of our Building Code Action Committee.