Winter fire safety reminder

In light of the recent fires in New York City, killing 12 and injuring more than 25 people, the International Code Council (ICC) offers its condolences to the families affected by the tragedies.

As we continue to brave the winter, it is imperative that we remain mindful of this season's dangers and are reminded of the importance of fire safety and current safety codes. New York City officials reported that one of the buildings involved in the tragic fires was estimated to be 100 years old with six outstanding fire code violations.

Rob Neale, ICC vice president of fire service activities, says, "Moderns construction and fire safety codes — including those for existing buildings — are intended to prevent these horrific events through the installation and maintenance of smoke alarms, fire doors and fire protection equipment."

Officials from the Tiago County Public Health Department in New York also report, "Fires can be caused by heating units such as space heaters or fireplaces as well as holiday cooking and holiday lights." Installing fresh batteries in smoke detectors is an essential safety tip that will help save lives and reduce damage in the event of a fire.

For more information on how to protect your properties and those of the ones you love, visit ICC's Winter Safety Resources and Fire Safety Resources webpages.