Message from the Executive Director.
If there is but one guarantee in life, it's nothing stays the same. At the Solar Rating & Certification Corporation (ICC-SRCC), that has certainly been the case. Welcome to our first edition of ICC-SRCC News!

By now, everyone knows that our longtime Technical Director Jim Huggins retired at the end of 2015. Jim had a great career in the solar heating and cooling industry (SCH) and left an amazing legacy. Filling those big shoes, Shawn Martin has taken over as the Director of Technical Services for the ICC-SRCC. Shawn is well known within the PMG community, both internally at ICC and with external customers, and he brings a wealth of knowledge in his new capacity. Shawn has been involved in ICC-SRCC activities since last June and has brought the professional approach and attention to quality that he was known for as a member of the International Code Council's Government Relations staff. Shawn worked closely with Jim before his retirement and has assumed all of his responsibilities.

Also taking on new responsibilities is Alonso Morlesin. Alonso has been our System Certification Analyst since 2011. Last year, he took on the responsibility of code listings for our SHC participants and this year he has added collector certifications to his long list of responsibilities. Alonso has many years invested in the SHC industry and is devoted to the quality of our ratings and certification programs.

Always taking on more responsibilities, Arlene Kennedy, our Participant Support Specialist, does everything for everyone to ensure that our business runs smoothly. Her responsibilities are varied and continue to grow.

Each one of us at the ICC-SRCC has a different perspective and different news we want to share with you. That's why I asked them all to contribute to this inaugural newsletter. Please take a moment to read the articles. Your questions and comments are always welcome. My email is

One final change to announce: We've moved! Please note our new address and phone numbers in your contact records. Our new address is:

500 New Jersey Avenue NW, Sixth Floor
Washington, DC 20001
(888) 422-7233 Ext. 7735

And so, we progress and we grow. Happy 2016!

Eileen Prado
Executive Director
Solar Rating & Certification Corporation