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ICC eNews
  Volume 6, Issue 1 February 5, 2009  

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2009 I-Codes Go to Press

2009 I-Codes

The 2009 International Codes have hit the printing presses and will be available for shipment in March. Preview key changes or pre-purchase your copies today.

The Right Tools for
Your Code Job

2009 IBC 2009 IRC

With any purchase of the 2009 International Building Code (IBC) or International Residential Code (IRC), get a free bonus CD—I-Code & Innovation Toolbox—that contains code reference excerpts, historical background on code changes, links to useful online tools and much more. Toolbox CDs will be shipped with the 2009 IBC and IRC. They also are available to download for those who purchase the 2009 IBC and IRC CDs or the online version from the eCodes.biz website.

I-Code Update Webinars

ICC webinars

Get the knowledge or instruction you need from the comfort of your home or office. Update webinars for the 2009 International Codes are now available, and discounted to $80 for ICC members and $100 for non-members. Attend a 3-hour webinar on the code of your choice and receive a handout, interact with an instructor, participate in a live Q&A session, and earn CEUs with no travel or downtime. Get the complete webinar schedule.

Phone Request Lines Change

The International Code Council is committed to providing you with the information you need in the most efficient way possible. Effective immediately, we have converted from a customer care telephone operator service to a primary emphasis on utilizing our website. more>>

Give the Gift of
ICC Membership

ICC membership
  • Do you know a student or graduate who is interested in engineering‚ design or code enforcement?
  • Is there a coworker who recently achieved an ICC certification or state license?
  • Perhaps you know a contractor who deserves a special “thank-you” for a job well done?

    A special six-month trial ICC gift membership is available for only $50. An ICC membership is the perfect gift for that colleague or relative interested in developing a career in building and fire safety.

    Ask our Member Support Representative for complete information. We can bill your membership account and send an email to the recipient with a description of this valuable gift. Call 1-888-ICC-SAFE (422-7233) x33804 for details.

  • Reports on Innovation

    ES reports

    ICC-ES Evaluation Reports provide comprehensive technical evidence that products and systems meet code requirements. All reports are available free online and are searchable by product type‚ manufacturer or report number. View the latest reports.

    Success Stories

    ES Success Stories

    An innovative electronic air cleaner designed by GILES Foodservice Equipment was such a unique system there were no existing testing procedures for it. That is until ICC-ES established the minimum safety requirements for ventless/recirculating hoods. To learn more‚ click here.

    New Editions of Best
    Sellers Now Available

    CalDAG 2009

    CalDAG 2009: An Interpretative Manual and Checklist combines and cross-references 2007 California Building Code regulations with federal ADA requirements. The easy-to-follow checklist format is perfect for survey, inspection or design. Order now.


    Wind Guide

    Seismic and Wind Design of Concrete Buildings provides comprehensive coverage of provisions of the 2006 International Building Code and ASCE 7-05. In-depth discussion of code applications and numerous design examples make this a valuable, everyday reference for structural engineers and plan reviewers. Order now.

    See More New Products

    From leading energy-efficiency principles and fire- and life-safety provisions, to structural steel guidelines and accessibility checklists, we have the resources to help you perform your job better and faster. Each month, we offer a great collection of featured products that we feel are deserving of more attention than most. Check it out.

    Don't Miss This Offer

    Want to receive the 2009 International Codes at no charge?

    I-Code offer

    Qualified Governmental‚ Professional‚ Cooperating or Corporate ICC members who renew or update their existing accounts by February 27 can download a set of International Codes. Take advantage of this great offer.

    Keep Your Career Moving

    ICC Campus

    Save money and travel time—and increase your career opportunities and earning potential—by connecting to the ICC Campus Online for 24/7 code education training resources. Visit the online campus.

    Event Calendar
    Code Council Annual Meetings
    Code Council Board Meetings
    Code Council Institutes
    Code Council Webinars
    Industry Special Events

    Training and Education
    at a Glance
    • Promote your professional practice.
    • Uphold your technical competence.
    • Advance your career.

    Training and Education

    ICC provides a progressive curriculum delivered onsite or online. Take a look.

    Budgets Tight, Travel Restricted, Still Need CEUs?

    distance learning

    Because of the important role that continuing education plays in keeping the built environment safe, the Code Council is offering a variety of distance learning opportunities to provide easy access to affordable training. Distance learning reaps benefits in increased job performance, reduced travel time and decreased costs. Get details.

    The World is Your Classroom
    customized training

    The Code Council delivers customized curriculum on all of the International Codes or legacy codes to meet your training requirements. You decide what, how much‚ when and how‚ and we will do the rest.

    Get Recognized
    You have the experience, skills and knowledge. Now get recognized for your achievements.

    Ready When You Are
    plan review

    What’s better than hiring expert plan reviewers? Having a team of them waiting in the wings. Get yours.

    ICC eNews Sponsor
    ICC eNews is brought to you by the loyal support of our sponsor Panasonic. Please give them a click and consider their services


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    ICC logo

    ICC eNews
    February 5, 2009
    Volume 6‚ Issue 1

    Award of Excellence Winner
    2008 APEX Awards
    Gold Winner
    2008 Hermes Creative Awards


    First Preventer Spotlight

    hornerThis issue of ICC eNews is dedicated to Desta Horner, who was recently honored by the Oviedo, Florida, City Council for her years of service on the city’s Code Enforcement Board. Horner was a leading advocate for the fair and equitable enforcement of the city’s codes and ordinances. more>>

    ICC Revises Code Development Process

    The International Code Council Board of Directors has revised the Code Development Process after several years of input from membership and industry. Highlights of the plan include: maintaining the three-year publication cycle and ICC Governmental Consensus Process; and dividing the codes into two groupings. more>>

    Bill Requires States to Update Energy Codes

    2009 IECCThe American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (HR 1) passed by the U.S. House of Representatives includes $3.4 billion in energy assistance grants for states if the International Code Council’s 2009 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) is adopted and administered. The Code Council has made it easy for states to comply with the legislation by incorporating ASHRAE 90.1 in the 2009 IECC. more>>

    Code Council Chief Executive Officer Rick Weiland sent a proposal and policy paper to Secretary of Energy Designate Dr. Steven Chu calling for metrics and measurement to be included in any legislative stimulus proposal relating to energy conservation in jurisdictions. more>>

    New Energy Code Expected to Be 15% More Efficient

    The 2009 IECC will produce approximately 15 percent in energy efficiency gains compared to the 2006 edition, according to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Now available for adoption by jurisdictions, the 2009 IECC is the only energy code that serves as the basis for federal tax credits for energy-efficient homes, energy efficiency standards for federal residential buildings and manufactured housing, and state energy code determinations. more>>

    Ruling Paves Way for Safe Harbor under the IECC

    A U.S. DOE ruling published in the Federal register clears the way for establishing the 2009 IECC as a safe harbor equivalent to the ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1 Standard. The ruling says the Standard, or equivalents like the 2009 IECC, would achieve greater energy efficiency in commercial buildings compared to previous editions. more>>

    National Green Building Standard Approved

    The National Green Building Standard (ICC-700), approved January 29 as an American National Standard, provides guidance for safe and sustainable building practices for residential construction, including both new and renovated single-family to high-rise residential buildings. This is the first and only green standard that is consistent and coordinated with the Code Council’s family of I-Codes and standards. more>>

    Chatting about the Code Council

      Adolf Zubia   Rick Weiland
      Code Council Board President Adolf Zubia (left) and Chief Executive Officer Rick Weiland addressed important industry issues at the first Fireside Chat of 2009.
    The Code Council's code development process, the upcoming debut of the 2009 International Codes, and the Council continuing to provide vital services to its members and stakeholders during the economic downturn were topics discussed during Board President Adolf Zubia’s first Fireside Chat. More than 140 callers from New York and Oklahoma to Sydney, Australia, participated in the event. An audio archive is available. more>>


    Rebuilding Tours Headline Codes Forum

    Make It Right Foundation  
    Participants in this year’s Codes Forum Education Program, March 23–25, will see firsthand the resilience of New Orleans as it emerges strong, safe and vibrant after Hurricane Katrina. Codes Forum provides industry professionals with the tools they need to improve job performance and take part in an unprecedented hands-on Learning Lab that tours post-Katrina rebuilding efforts through a partnership with actor Brad Pitt's Make It Right Foundation. more>>


    Code Council Board and CEO
    to Conduct Town Hall

    Code Council Board President Adolf Zubia and CEO Rick Weiland announced a Town Hall Meeting will be held March 22, from 4 to 6 p.m. CT in New Orleans at the Sheraton New Orleans, Rhythms 3 Room. Zubia, Weiland and other Board members will present reports on new initiatives regarding hearings scheduling and process, and conduct a Q&A session with attendees. This event is free of charge. Register today for Codes Forum. more>>

    Code Change Appeals Denied

    Requirements for sprinklers and carbon-monoxide alarms will be among building safety requirements in the 2009 International Residential Code. The International Code Council Board voted to unanimously approve recommendations made by its Appeals Board regarding final action hearing votes made in Minneapolis. more>>


    Virtually every jurisdiction in the U.S. that regulates construction uses the International Codes—the foundation of building safety across the country.

    Montana Moves to 2009 IECC

    After beginning the process of updating to the 2006 IECC, the Montana Building Codes Bureau decided to pursue the 2009 edition instead. more>>

    A Home Run for Energy-Efficient Homes

    According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), “The encouraging results of the Final Action Hearings help DOE make powerful strides toward its goal of reducing energy consumption by 30 percent in IECC-compliant homes by 2012. An approved code change submitted by DOE, EC71, requires pressure testing in residential construction to verify duct sealing. This change alone is estimated to reduce energy consumption in new American homes by an average of 8–12 percent.” more>>

    Skyscraper Safety Strengthened in 2009 IBC

    The 2009 edition of International Building Code (IBC) will better protect occupants of tall buildings, contains new provisions for ambulatory health care facilities and provides guidelines for constructing storm shelters. more>>

    Highlights of the 2009 IRC

    New sprinkler requirements, energy efficiency changes and standards for building homes in high-wind regions are just some of the key changes in the 2009 International Residential Code (IRC). more>>

    What's New in the 2009 IFC?

    New requirements in the 2009 International Fire Code (IFC) provide added protection to building occupants and emergency responders as a result of lessons learned from the 9/11 tragedy. more>>

    New PMG Codes Tackle Safety Issues

    New features of the 2009 International Plumbing, Mechanical and Fuel Gas Codes (PMG) include revised outdoor air ventilation requirements, requirements for locking caps on air conditioning units and consistency in calculating restroom size in businesses. more>>

    A United Stand for Fire Safety

    The Code Council stood with fellow fire safety advocates near the U.S. Capitol to bring attention to several recent fire fatalities and encourage usage of early detection and early suppression tools. Several of the participants endorsed the Code Council’s activities as essential to fire safety, and promoted the adoption of the latest building and fire safety codes. The Code Council will soon release its 2009 International Codes and urges jurisdictions to adopt and administer building and fire safety codes to provide maximum public safety. more>>


    Council COO Keynotes at
    Energy Awards Ceremony

    NAHB event

    Code Council Chief Operations Officer Dominic Sims delivered the keynote address at the National Association of Home Builders' (NAHB) 14th Annual EnergyValue Housing Awards ceremony in Las Vegas. The NAHB Research Center presents the awards to honor builders who voluntarily incorporate energy efficiency into all aspects of new home construction. The event kicked off the 2009 International Builders Show in Las Vegas. more>>


    Identify, Manage, Mitigate with New Library

    Tools for Risk Management—a free online library of technical documents and information—will help public and private groups pursuing disaster risk management and safer construction to research, understand and utilize building codes, risk management tools and international building practices. more>>


    Get Instant, Convenient Access to the I-Codes

    Code Council Updates Bylaws

    Chickasaw Nation Earns IAS Accreditation


    PMG Joins Water Efficiency Coalition

    The Code Council joined a consortium of the best plumbing minds in the U.S. to collaboratively develop solutions for continued worldwide improvement of water efficiency and conservation efforts across the plumbing industry. more>>

    PMG signing

    The Code Council participated in the formation of the Water Efficiency Research Coalition. U.S. EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson (left) pledged to partner with the Council and three plumbing organizations to coordinate water efficiency research. Code Council Senior Vice President of Government Relations Sara Yerkes (right) signs the historic Memorandum of Understanding to develop and implement research programs to further improve water efficiency and sustainable plumbing products, applications and processes.


    ICC-ES PMG Partners with EPA

    Manufacturers can now turn to ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) for federally certified, water-efficient products to meet customer demand for green building products. ICC-ES is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to certify products for the WaterSense Program. more>>

    Industry Article: Fuzzy Toilet Math

    With more than 1 million people descending on the National Mall to watch U.S. President Barack Obama's inauguration, the National Park Service calculated whether there will be enough restroom facilities to service the crowds. Lee Clifton‚ Director of Plumbing Programs for the Code Council‚ weighs in on how the International Codes address the “potty parity” movement. more>>


    This new segment of articles—Surviving the Downturn—is provided as solutions you can use to build stability in this time of economic uncertainty.

    Surviving the Downturn

    Much of the trick to surviving (and even prospering) in downturns involves getting your ducks in a row before the slow times hit. Even if you’re already feeling the slowdown, you can still soften its effects. more>>


    Code Question: Expert Staff Opinions

    The requirements in Section 502.1.1 of the International Energy Conservation Code stipulates that a vapor retarder must be installed on the warm-in-winter side of the thermal insulation. Is the installation of the vapor retarder required continuously across the face of the wall studs? more>>

    Code Update: Significant Code Changes

    A modification to compressive or shifting soil has been added to the International Residential Code. more>>

    Code Spotlight: Featured Article

    Code Change E22-04/05 sparked a lot of attention because it raised important issues and started a new way of thinking about emergency evacuation. more>>

    Build It Green with ICC

    It’s not easy being green—even in the construction world‚ but ICC can open doors to many green building programs‚ standards and rating systems‚ and help you improve your job skills through cutting-edge training programs. Establish yourself in the green building niche. more>>

    DOE Recognizes Green Building Consortia

    At a time when reducing energy consumption in buildings is paramount, a new consortium gives leaders in the built environment, and in those industries affecting construction, a clear path to offer advice to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on goals, concerns and new technologies. The Code Council serves on the new consortium’s steering committee. more>>


    Building Lean and Green in New Hampshire

    The 60th Annual Educational Conference of the Eastern States Building Officials Federation (ESBOF)—a chapter of the International Code Council—will be held March 29–April 1 in Durham, New Hampshire. The Code Council’s first green building code conference will offer three days of green code education and ICC testing. more>>


    The following links take you outside the Code Council’s website. We are not responsible for the content and privacy practices of outside websites.

    Top 3 Business Sustainability Trends for 2009

    Carbon Calculator Shows Difference Construction Materials Can Make

    Green Building Sets the Code


    How New Building Standards on Construction Site Waste Affect You

    Federal Agenda for High-Performance Buildings Released

    Contractor: Chaos without Building Code Department

    eNews Wire Image  

    Visit our eNews Newswire Page‚ filled with articles of interest to you from sources around the world.

    Council, ICONTEC Sign MOU

    Code Council Deputy Vice President of International Services Rick Okawa (left) and International Liaison/International Operations Director Sylvana Ricciarini (right) with ICONTEC Director of Standardization Germán Nava Gutiérrez, during the “Implementation of Codes for Building Construction in Colombia: A Strategy for the Globalization of Engineering Goods and Services” event sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce of Medellin Antioquia in Medellin, Colombia.
    The Code Council and the Instituto Colombiano de Normas Tecnicas (ICONTEC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to provide a framework of technical cooperation to assist in the adoption and adaptation of the International Codes in Colombia. The MOU also will provide building code programs for ICONTEC and for the design, construction and development sectors in Columbia.


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