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Volume 7, Issue 2
February 12, 2010

NEWS UPDATE: Connecticut Explosion Raises New Concerns about Safe Venting
The tragic weekend explosion in Connecticut raises new concerns about the safe venting of natural gas lines. The Code Council encourages all owners and operators of production facilities employing natural gas to adhere to the safety provisions of the International Fuel Gas Code, developed in partnership with the American Gas Association. Read more.

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SBTC Finalizes Public Version of IGCC in Austin

The International Green Construction Code (IGCC) Sustainable Building Technology Committee recently held its final meeting in Austin, Texas, as part of the national effort to create the first generation of a safe and sustainable building code. The IGCC will apply to traditional commercial and high-performance buildings, and will be consistent and coordinated with the Code Council's family of codes and standards... click to continue

Congress Urged to Renew Support
for CASA Act

In a letter to members of the Congressional Committee on Foreign Relations, Code Council CEO Rick Weiland, American Institute of Architects Executive Vice President and CEO Christine McEntee, and ASTM International President James Thomas urge committee members to renew their support for the Codes and Safety for the Americas (CASA) Act following the devastating earthquake in Haiti... click to continue

National Green Building Standard
Subject to Update Process

In accordance with ANSI's requirements, proposals to revise the National Green Building Standard (NGBS) are welcomed. Developed by the National Association of Homebuilders and the Code Council, the NGBS, also known as ICC 700-2008, provides green practices for homes, including high-rises. Change proposals will be used as initial input for the next revisions cycle of the NGBS... click to continue

Energy Code Ambassadors Program Launches in Four Pilot States

The Code Council and Building Code Assistance Project teamed up to create a program to benefit code officials who want to take a leading role in energy-efficient buildings and help drive the national movement towards more energy-efficient buildings and homes. Initially, the program will be launched in four pilot states: New York, Kentucky, Illinois and Idaho. ICC is looking for one qualified code official from each ICC chapter to participate... click to continue

Code Council Applauds
NYC Green Code Plans

The Code Council—authors of the model codes that form the basis for New York City building regulations—praised New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Speaker Christine Quinn's Green Code Task Force announcement regarding proposed, new legislation regulating NYC's green construction practices. The Council offered the Task Force a reference document for the new effort—the International Green Construction Code... click to continue

137 Join ICC's Elite Ranks

One hundred and thirty-seven individuals earned Master Code Professional (MCP) certifications in the third and fourth quarters of 2009, joining 74 code enforcement officials last year and almost 650 overall who have earned the Code Council’s highest certification since 2004... click to continue


As adoptions of the 2009 International Codes take effect in many states, count on the Code Council for the industry's top tools to help you with the transition. Read more.
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  New Waterloo, Iowa, Building Official Begins Job after Teaching
Mattapoisett, Massachusetts, Building Inspector Wins Award
Clark County, Nevada, Builds Relationship with Fire through Teddy Bears


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  Seismic Components of IBC a Good Place to Start in Rebuilding Haiti
Homebuilding Permits Fall to Another Record Low
Building Industry Says Recovery Will Be "Long and Slow"


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  More States Adopt New Standards for Energy Efficiency
Energy Ordinances Coming Soon to a Code Near You
Survey Says: Sustainable Building Just a Fad?



  Read more GREEN SCENE here

Version Four of IGCC Draft Now Available
The fourth of five meetings in the IGCC drafting process took place in Ft. Meyers, Florida, in December—achieving a critical tipping point in the development process. The results of that meeting are now available.
  Code Question: Expert Committee Interpretations on the IBC
Code Update: Significant Code Changes to the 2009 IMC
Code Spotlight: Metal Building Systems and the Code
    Read more CODES CORNER here
  Housing Permits Up 30 Percent; Will Builders Stifle Recovery?
The Pros and Cons of Deconstruction
Will Fire Sprinkler Code Requirement Reduce Property Losses?


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  "Urban Umbrella" Could Soon Surround New York City Sites
Walking past New York City construction sites may soon be a much more pleasant visual experience. New York's Department of Buildings partnered with the AIA, New York Building Congress and other related organizations to host urbanSHED, an international competition for a better design of sidewalk sheds—the uninviting scaffolds that surround the city's construction sites to provide protection from falling debris... click to continue
  Read more REGIONAL NEWS here
  Live Instructor-Led Seminars from ICC Are Back
The most popular benefit of all—the Chapter Education Benefit day of training—is once again available to all qualifying chapters. The new benefit has been deeply discounted in order to make it more affordable to our chapters. The new model discounts 50 percent off the prices for courses and training materials and enables ICC Chapters to use their Chapter Education Benefit as a fundraising tool... click to continue
  Read more CHAPTER NEWS here
  Large Water Heater Valves Recalled Due to Rupture and Burn Hazards
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with Watts Regulator Co., announced a voluntary recall of about 900 temperature and pressure relief valves (1-inch, 140X-9) as the relief valve can fail to reduce pressure and avert failure or rupture of the water heater tank and associated valves, posing rupture and burn hazard to consumers. No incidents or injuries have been reported, but consumers should stop using the recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed... click to continue
  Read more PMG NEWS here
  Signs of Success for the Cooperative Agreement between ICC-ES and Intertek
The building industry is already beginning to see dividends from the recently signed cooperative arrangement between Intertek and ICC-ES. The first two building‐product evaluation reports to be produced under the arrangement, both issued by ICC-ES to the Finnish company Lemminkainen Katto Oy, were ready for publication within a few weeks of the time Intertek, acting on behalf of Lemminkainen, submitted a complete package of technical data to ICC-ES... click to continue
  Read more ES NEWS here

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