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Volume 7, Issue 3
March 1, 2010
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Public Comments Received for
Proposed I-Code Changes

The Code Council has received 754 public comments on 634 proposed changes to the International Codes that will be heard during the 2010 Final Action Hearings in Dallas and Charlotte, North Carolina. Group A of the Final Action Hearings, May 13-23 at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel, will include the International Building, Existing Building, Fire, Fuel Gas, Mechanical, Plumbing, Residential (only building, mechanical and plumbing sections) and Wildland Urban Interface Codes. Group B, October 28-November 1 in Charlotte, will include the ICC Administrative Code Provisions and International Energy Conservation, Property Maintenance, Residential (energy only) and Zoning Codes... click to continue

Nominations Accepted for
Raising the Profile Award

Ruth Hamel was the 2009 "Raising the Profile" award recipient. The honor recognizes efforts to raise public awareness of accomplishments by code officials to improve public safety in the built environment. This year's award will be presented during 2010 Building Safety Month activities in May. Deadline for nominations is March 15... click to continue

Post-Disaster Recovery Roundtable Examines Existing Federal Programs

Code Council Senior Vice President of Member Services Mike Armstrong joined 24 representatives at an invitation-only event— "Federal Post-Disaster Recovery Roundtable"—at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C. to examine the viability of existing federal approaches to disaster recovery... click to continue

I-Codes Displayed Prominently at
World Energy Conference

The International Codes were on display at the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi, with markers in Arabic and English stating that the codes would be adopted soon by the Emirate. Pictured with the International Energy Conservation Code is Ali Bukhair of the Abu Dhabi Department of Municipal Affairs. More than 23,000 attendees from 130 countries in Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa, Australia and the Middle East attended... click to continue

NFRC Supports ICC

National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) Chief Executive Officer James C. Benney says NFRC strives to assist the Council to create safe buildings and communities. NFRC is a non-profit organization that administers independent rating and labeling systems for the energy performance of windows, doors, skylights and attachment products... click to continue

eCodes Premium: A Personalized Approach to Code Access

In line with its customer focus and dedication to sustainability and efficiency, the Code Council announced major changes to its eCodes portal. The eCodes Premium Online Subscription service offers a number of exciting upgrades that ensures that subscribers are never more than a click away from ICC's codes and standards, listings, and reports on code-compliant products... click to continue


New editions of many time-saving references are now available for the 2009 International Codes, including energy conservation, plan review, fire safety, load determination and more.
Great prices. Huge selection. Safe & secure. Satisfaction guaranteed. Buy online.
  Ridgefield's Chief Building Official Receives Home Builders Award
Meyer Retires as Leelanau County, Michigan's, Top Building Official
Waterloo, Iowa, Building Official Steps Down after 20-Year Career


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  Fire Sprinkler Incentive Act Introduced in U.S. Senate
Who Might Want to Become a Building Inspector?
Americans Moving Up to Smaller, Smarter Homes


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  Green Has Arrived as New Standard for Constructing Buildings
New National Green Prefabs Now Available
Two Bamboo Houses Built in Two Days



  Read more GREEN SCENE here

The IGCC: A Work in Progress
Ron Jones, considered one of the fathers of the green building movement, writes "...the green construction code for commercial structures [IGCC] places much more emphasis on design solutions to resolve performance issues before they ever reach the field..." in the GreenBuilder GateKeeper.
  Code Question: Expert Committee Interpretations on the IBC and IFC
Code Update: Significant Code Changes to the 2009 IBC
Code Spotlight: The IBC Makes New Complex Safe and Secure in Iraq
    Read more CODES CORNER here
  Engineers without Borders—US Students Are Safe in Haiti
When Granny Comes Marching Home Again... Multi-Generational Housing
New Advances in Concrete Technology


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  Slow Economy Has California Builders Gearing Up for Green
The construction business may still be far from rebounding after its economic tumble, but some builders in California are taking advantage of the slow down to retool—in hopes of building more durable and sustainable structures. California builders are gearing up for the implementation of the Calgreen Codes, a new building code that takes effect January 1, 2011... click to continue
  Read more REGIONAL NEWS here
  Code Council Attends Region VII General Membership Meeting
The Code Council's Region VII met January 21-22 in Hagerstown, Maryland, to discuss the ICC Code Development Committees' recommendations from the Baltimore Code Development Hearings and the positions that the Region would take on them, and to elect new officers during the general membership meeting... click to continue
  Read more CHAPTER NEWS here
  Many IGCC Green Applications Are PMG-Based
The International Code Council's highly anticipated Public Version of the International Green Construction Code (IGCC), available on March 15, offers many exclusive benefits specific to Plumbing, Mechanical and Fuel Gas (PMG) issues, arguably the most important of which is its integration with all of the other I-Codes. This makes implementing and enforcing it much more efficient and effective, particularly since the majority of jurisdictions in the U.S that adopt codes have chosen the I-Codes, including those addressing PMG issues... click to continue
  Read more PMG NEWS here
  Look to ICC-ES for Reports on Code Compliance, Innovation and Sustainability
ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are the leading resource used by the building industry to verify that innovative building products, systems and materials are up to code. Research shows that 80 percent of U.S. building officials prefer ICC-ES Evaluation Reports when approving building products. ICC-ES also offers a PMG listing program that provides evidence that a plumbing, mechanical or fuel gas product complies not only with applicable standards, but also with applicable codes... click to continue
  Read more ES NEWS here
  IBA First to Meet NYC Requirements for Special Inspection Agency Accreditation
Israel Berger & Associates (IBA), a recognized consulting and inspection group specializing in building envelope technologies, is the first Special Inspection Agency to meet the NYC Department of Buildings' requirements for accreditation through the International Accreditation Service (IAS) AC291 Special Inspection Agency Accreditation Program. The New York City Construction Codes include a requirement that all special inspection agencies must be accredited by IAS, or an equivalent accreditation agency, by July 2010... click to continue
  Read more IAS NEWS here
  ICC Foundation Intros Professional Development Scholarship Program
The ICC Foundation announced plans to offer a new professional development scholarship program entitled, “Code of Honor” that will provide support to Governmental Member Voting Representatives to attend 2010 Final Code Development Hearings in either Dallas or Charlotte. Seventy-five scholarships will be awarded... click to continue
  Read more ICCF NEWS here

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