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For his dedication to saving lives and property through the development of codes, fire-prevention practices and leadership techniques, retired industry leader and longtime ICC supporter Jim Tidwell received the 2016 Excellence in Fire and Safety Award.

Retired industry leader and long-time ICC supporter honored.

Retired industry leader and longtime ICC supporter Jim Tidwell has frequently been on the presenting end of the International Association of Fire Chiefs' Excellence in Fire and Safety Award, but this year IAFC and the International Code Council were honored to present this distinguished award to Tidwell who is credited with the adoption of the International Fire Code in 42 states, reflecting the lasting impact his presence has had on the profession.


Public Comment Agenda available Sept. 9.

The Public Comment Agenda is scheduled to be posted by Sept. 9. The schedule for the 2016 Group B Public Comment Hearings is now available. The hearings will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 19, at the Kansas City Convention Center. Final changes to the codes will be decided through both in-person and online voting via ICC's cdpACCESS.

Register now to attend the ICC 2016 Annual Conference, Public Comment Hearings and Expo, Oct. 16-25, in Kansas City, Mo.


ICC, IABO, FIAI remain focused on saving lives during high-wind events.

As friends and neighbors work to recover from the damaging storms that have raced across Indiana in the past several weeks, our thoughts are with those recovering from injury and those working to rebuild their lives and communities. The fact that we will be able to see all of our friends again is an outstanding testament to the service that the city of Kokomo, and its code enforcement personnel, have provided to the community as it has endured another terribly destructive storm. As members of the Indiana Association of Building Officials, the Fire Inspectors Association of Indiana and the International Code Council, these dedicated professionals will be prepared to help rebuild a more resilient building stock to serve their communities into the future.

Over the past several years, it has been a joy to meet members of IABO, FIAI, and ICC. The pride that these people have for the work that they are doing is evident. Their desire to learn more, to work hard to be prepared, and to stand for, not only for their families and friends, but also strangers in the community is truly fantastic. It is a great privilege to serve as IABO's president this year, I can speak confidently that all of our chapter's members, FIAI members, and ICC's members will serve in any desired capacity to help affected communities across the state and the city of Kokomo recover from a very difficult August. Prayers for happiness and health.   – Bobby LaRue


ICC Call for Committee provides another opportunity to serve.

Volunteers are one of the most important assets of the International Code Council. Their work on the ICC Board of Directors, committees and councils is directly related to the success of ICC. It takes the time and expertise of many individuals working through the numerous ICC committees to shape the Code Council into the world-class membership organization that exists today. This Call for Committee provides another opportunity to serve.


Cosgriff to keynote the ICC Awards Luncheon.

National Electrical Manufacturers Association President and CEO Kevin Cosgriff is both an industry veteran and a military veteran. A retired U.S. Navy Vice Admiral whose last assignment was commander of the Naval Forces Central Command, where he oversaw all combat, combat support and maritime security operations throughout the Middle East, Cosgriff will keynote the ICC Awards Luncheon on Oct. 18 and share his unique industry insights with attendees.


ICC Board of Directors candidates website is active.

The Code Council hosts a website for candidates seeking election to the 2016-17 ICC Board of Directors. Candidates can submit information to be posted on the website for the Membership and Nominating Committee to review. The Nominating Committee's report to the Membership also will be posted on the site after nominees are determined. Board elections will be held during the Annual Business Meeting at ICC's 2016 Annual Conference in Kansas City, Mo.


Pictured (left-right): Gettel, International Code Council Board of Directors President Alex Olszowy, and ICC Chief Executive Officer Dominic Sims.

NYSBOC Board Secretary receives humanitarian award.

International Code Council Member Bette Jean Gettel, code enforcement official for the town of Bethel, N.Y., and secretary of the New York State Building Officials Conference (NYSBOC), received a Humanitarian Award at a YL Hearts Charity Event held June 1 in Brooklyn, N.Y. YL Hearts is a charitable, non-profit organization that aims to offer hope and support to parents of children, teens and young adults who face congenital heart disease. Gettel was recognized for her efforts in ensuring that families traveling through YL Hearts stay in safe accommodations with working smoke and carbon-monoxide detectors, and easily accessible egress.


Discover the essential code provisions and process for residential building inspection.

Register now for the Residential Inspection Institute, Sept. 19-23, to earn 3.0 CEUs and learn from nationally recognized code enforcement educators on how to perform effective and efficient residential building, mechanical, plumbing and electrical inspections in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code.


ICC takes pre-orders for the 2017 NEC.

Scheduled to release mid-September, the NFPA 70 2017: National Electrical Code (NEC) is the new benchmark for electrical design, installation and inspection. With more than 4,000 public inputs and 1,500 comments, the 2017 NEC includes hundreds of updates and five all-new articles paving the way to a safe and efficient electrical future. The NEC is the electrical code designated for use with the I-Codes.


After earthquake, Italians ask tough questions about building codes.

Four days after a devastating 6.2-magnitude earthquake in central Italy left more than 290 people dead, attention is turning to whether a culture of impunity toward building codes contributed to the high number of casualties. Although Italian seismic building codes are state-of-the-art, without tougher enforcement to ensure compliance, 80,000 public buildings in Italy are still at risk in the event of a moderate earthquake.


Why should you join an exam development committee?

By serving on an Exam Development Committee, you can share your expertise and help ensure the credibility and validity of ICC certifications, as well as earn CEUs, contribute to exam development, promote building and fire safety, and add to your professional credentials. Visit the Exam Development Committee Applicant Snapshot for details. Applications are due by Oct. 31.


Code Essentials: component performance alternative.

The 2015 edition of the International Energy Conservation Code includes a new building thermal envelope compliance path — the component performance alternative. The formula allows various envelope components to be traded off against each other, provided that the overall calculated building heat loss of the proposed design is no greater than a code-compliant design.


PMG Membership Council Governing Committee scheduled.

The PMG Membership Council (PMGMC) Governing Committee will meet via teleconference from 2:00–3:00 p.m. Eastern on Sept. 13. All members of the PMG Membership Council are invited to attend and participate in the meeting. The meeting agenda will be posted on the PMGMC webpage prior to the call. Call-in telephone number: 800-910-8278 | Conference access number: 2906123


What we're reading, following and covering.

There's a lot happening — domestically and globally — in building safety, fire prevention, sustainability and resiliency right now. Our aim is to provide busy professionals like you with a weekly run-down of the most compelling industry news stories concerning the safety, science and performance of the built environment. We do the reading for you and break down the latest news and information into an easy-to-digest format with fresh insight.


2016 ICC Chapter meetings & events.

2016 ICC Region VI "Rush" Tour in Rhode Island with RIBOA
ICC CEO Dominic Sims visits NHBOA during Region VI Tour
New BOAT Chapter officers installed by ICC's Jay Elbettar
OBOA concludes board meetings with annual fishing trip
Brian Platz honored with Clifton Clark Award by CBOA


ICC affiliate sponsors


Training & education opportunities

Inspector Skills
Sept. 9 | Cedar Rapids, IA
Residential Inspection Institute
Sept. 19-23 | Birmingham, AL
2015 IRC Residential Deck Construction
Sept. 27 | Frankenmuth, MI
2012 IBC Accessible Means of Egress
Sept. 27 | Frankenmuth, MI
ICC Annual Conference
Oct. 17-18 | Kansas City, MO

Upcoming shows & events

ASCC Annual Conference
Sept. 15-18 | Bloomington, MN
Greenbuild 2016
Oct. 5-7 | Los Angeles, CA
Oct. 6-7 | Baltimore, MD
Construct 2016
Oct. 7-9 | Austin, TX
Building Safety & Design Expo
Oct. 16-17 | Kansas City, MO
Metalcon 2016
Oct. 26-28 | Baltimore, MD
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