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Volume 6, Issue 18
December 18, 2009

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Massa, Casey Latest Co-Sponsors of
CBCAG Legislation

U.S. Representative Eric Massa (left, D-NY) and Senator Robert Casey (D-PA) are the latest members of Congress to pledge their support for the Code Council's Community Building Code Administration Grant (CBCAG) legislation. There are currently 27 co-sponsors of the legislation in the House and nine co-sponsors in the Senate. The CBCAG will provide funding for jurisdictions to hire staff, provide training, buy equipment and fulfill other code enforcement needs. "We salute the Senators and Representatives who introduced the measure in the Senate and House that will benefit public safety, and governments and property owners who bear the costs to recover from disasters," CEO Rick Weiland said. Show your support for the CBCAG. more>>

New Chapter Benefit Adopted for 2010

The ICC Board of Directors approved a new Chapter Education Benefit as part of its 2010 budget. During budget deliberations at its year-end meetings, the Board approved a new program that will allow Chapters to purchase most of the ICC curriculum at 50 percent of the list price for a one day-long seminar, with additional discounts for multiple-day events and multiple chapter participation. The Board also has augmented the budget of the ICC Foundation to create a new program to provide matching funds to underwrite attendance at upcoming Final Action Code Hearings. more>>

Groupings Set for 2010
Final Action Hearings

The groupings are set for the 2010 Final Action Hearings in Dallas, Texas, and Charlotte, North Carolina. The Dallas hearings (May 14-23) include proposed changes to the IBC, IFC, IRC, IPC, IMC and IFGC. The Charlotte hearings (October 28-November 1) include proposed changes to the IECC, IPMC and IZC. The public comment deadline for the Dallas hearings is February 8, and July 1 for the Charlotte hearings. more>>

CPSC Encouraged to Participate in
New Swimming Pool Code

Code Council CEO Rick Weiland and Association of Pool & Spa Professionals President and CEO Bill Weber met with Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Chairman Inez Tenebaum in Washington, D.C., to discuss the CPSC's participation in the development of a new Comprehensive Swimming Pool Code. The Code Council offered assistance to the CPSC in the area of swimming pool safety. more>>

ICC Fellowship Available at U.S. DOE

A new U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) fellowship is available to a Code Council member to assist in the development of tools and educational materials for code officials dealing with enforcement of energy codes, including the International Energy Conservation Code. The DOE's Office of Building Technologies, Building Energy Codes Program is seeking a qualified individual with a background in code enforcement and relevant educational credentials. more>>

First U.S. "Emerald" Remodeling Project Certified in Phoenix

A newly renovated 1,600-square-foot, 70-year-old ranch house in Phoenix has become the first remodeling project in the nation to receive Emerald certification, the most stringent achievement level in the National Green Building Standard. more>>


Your favorite I-Code references updated to 2009, such as Building Code Basics and Quick Reference Guides, as well as the new Greening Existing Buildings guide and the Structural Load Determination from ICC and the NCSEA are now available from the Code Council.
Great prices. Huge selection. Safe & secure. Your satisfaction. Buy online.


  Jim Crawford Named Washington Fire Marshal of the Year
Tennessee Building Inspector Makes State History
Special Inspection of Structural Masonry Construction Training

ICC Offers 2006 Certification and Contractor Exams in 2010


  Housing Slump May Worsen Next Year, Not Get Better
Thinking of Remodeling? Get Permission First
New Construction Technology Developed in Sault Ste. Marie

Contractors Eager for Piece of Action


  EPA Announces Environmental Justice Showcase Communities
The Synergy of Lighting Codes and Controls
Green Homes Are Red-Hot: 17 Percent of New Builds Get Energy Star Seal

Green Code a Must for Buildings in Eight States



"As the move toward energy-efficient green technologies continues with efforts such as this ICC green codes initiative," said GANA Energy Committee Chairman Stanley Lee, "the opportunites for increased glass usage in construction will only expand." more>>
  Code Question: Expert Committee Interpretations
Code Update: Significant Code Changes to the 2009 IPC

PMG Team Attends ASSE Annual Meeting

Code Council Director of Plumbing Programs Lee Clifton attended the American Society of Sanitary Engineering's (ASSE) 103rd Annual Meeting in San Antonio. Ron Murray of Tualatin, Oregon, was elected President of the 2009-2010 ASSE Board of Directors; Richard Prospal of Brunswick, Ohio, is the Past President. more>>


More News

New Rule on Construction Water
Perchlorate-Tainted H20 Gets Attention
Plumbers Have to Get the Lead Out

ICC-ES, UL Debut Dual Evaluation and Certification Program on Building Products

ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) and Underwriters Laboratories (UL) announced a partnership that will provide the building materials industry with a Dual Evaluation & Certification Program on Building Products that simplifies the testing and evaluation process for manufacturers. more>>


More News

New ES Reports Available
Gromala Joins ES SAVE Program
ES to List Pipes under CA Code
Manufacturers Look to SAVE Program
Learn More about ICC-ES

ICCF COVC Winners Recognized

The International Code Council Foundation (ICCF) announced the 2009 Code Official Volunteer CORPS (COVC) volunteer challenge winners at the ICC Annual Conference. The Northwest Building Officials & Code Administrators of Illinois won with 1,439 hours, and Thomas Kunz, also of NWBOCA, won with 888 hours of volunteer service through various projects. more>>


More News

10 for $10 in 2010
National Media to Cover 2010 BSM
2010 Building Safety Month

Bonneville Chapter Holds Annual Institute

The Bonneville Chapter held its 16th Annual Fall Educational Institute with 147 participants registered for three seminar tracks that included courses on the 2009 I-Codes. New officers were installed at the chapter's annual banquet. ICC Government Relations Regional Manager Dave Nichols (left) awards Immediate Past President Bill Green with his Past-President pin.


More News

Bradley County Inspector Makes History
Mendoza New SEMBOA President

Tennessee Inspectors Support Building Codes Even Though It Means Extra Duty

Sullivan County is one of 60 Tennessee counties without a building code, and building inspectors are powerless to stop homes from being built with substandard features. But the situation might change when the County Commission votes on a resolution seeking to adopt a countywide building code. more>>


More News

Training Makes MA Firefighters Safer
Proposal Ruffles TX Builders
DE Considers Police to Enforce Codes
NYC Fire Officers Punished over Duties

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