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Register now and help update the nation's leading building codes. It is through your input that the International Codes continue to foster growth and affordability through innovation and safety. Register now for the International Code Council's 2016 Group B Committee Action Hearings, April 17-27, in Louisville, Ky. The deadline for ICC discount lodging is March 28; details on discount government and ICC hotel rates, transportation and other information can be found on the registration website. |
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Online Governmental Consensus Voting deadline is tomorrow. To participate in the Committee Action Hearings Online Governmental Consensus Vote that follows the hearings, ICC Governmental Memberships must be current by March 18. Details are available at |
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ICC World Water Day events shine the spotlight on growing global issue. With a 100-year legacy of deploying the latest safety measures and technologies into the built environment, the Code Council is hosting and participating in several events surrounding 2016 World Water Day on March 22 to raise awareness about the importance of water conservation and efficiency. The White House Water Summit on March 22 will raise awareness of water issues and potential solutions in the U.S., and catalyze ideas and actions to help build a sustainable and secure water future through innovative science and technology. |
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Massachusetts updating to the 2015 I-Codes. The Massachusetts State Board of Building Regulations and Standards expects to issue the 9th Edition of the Massachusetts State Building Code during the second quarter of 2016, after completion of the public comment and hearing process. The new codes will incorporate the 2015 International Building, International Existing Building, and International Energy Conservation Codes, and by reference, the International Fire, International Mechanical and International Residential Codes, all with Massachusetts amendments. |
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ICC has a strong presence in annual NIBS list of federal priorities. The National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) recently submitted policy recommendations to the President and Congress, many of which the International Code Council hold as part of its core mission. Resiliency, green construction, continuing education and active training and recruitment of a new generation of code officials are ICC values prominently featured in NIBS' 2015 report, "Moving Forward: Findings and Recommendations from the Consultative Council". |
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Virginia launches new online building and fire code change process system based on cdpACCESS. The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development launched a new online building and fire code change process system, cdpVA, which is based on cdpACCESS, ICC's online tool for code development. The new system allows for electronic submission of new code change proposals, collaboration between stakeholders and access to information about the 2015 code change process. |
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Design and construction industry promotes resilience and economic competitiveness. The International Code Council is among 31 organizations from America's design and construction industry that are promoting resilience in the nation's buildings, infrastructure, public spaces, and communities. At a recent summit in Washington, D.C., CEOs of the organizations with more than 750,000 members generating almost $1 trillion in GDP, including ICC's Dominic Sims, CBO, issued a joint statement defining resilience as the ability to prepare and plan for, absorb, recover from, and more successfully adapt to adverse events. |
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Ensure your community is prepared: attend the When Disaster Strikes Institute. Natural disasters wreak havoc on communities. In 2015 alone, more than 100 disasters were declared across the United States. When the unthinkable occurs, code and building officials are on the front lines. Will you be able to see through the chaos to prepare for mobilization, conduct site inspections and estimate damage within the Federal Emergency Management Agency's mandated 72-hour reporting period? |
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Code Essentials of the 2015 IRC. Existing structures. Provisions allowing the legal occupancy of buildings to continue without fully complying with current codes are often referred to as grandfathering or grandfather clauses. As with other International Codes, the 2015 International Residential Code (IRC) provides such relief for existing buildings. |
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New online mapping tool helps protect drinking water sources. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released the DWMAPS (Drinking Water Mapping Application to Protect Source Waters) online mapping tool that provides the public, water system operators, state programs and federal agencies with critical information to help safeguard the sources of America's drinking water. DWMAPS provides information on watersheds, water suppliers, water sources and possible pollution sources. |
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ABC National Craft Competition uses ICC-ES products. More than 210 craft trainees and apprentices from across the country traveled to Fort Lauderdale to compete for top honors in their chosen craft during the National Craft Championships. Training sponsors, employers and ABC chapters demonstrated their superior skills, training and safe work practices as well as a staunch commitment to the construction career path. ICC's Lee Clifton, Director of PMG Resources/Government Relations, participated as one of the judges in the Plumbing Craft Competition. |
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Thank you from REGION III. Region III would like to extend our appreciation and thank all those that attended this year's Region III Educational Institute that was held February 8-12, in Chaska, Minn. This was the most successful event to date. We appreciate your continued support of this program and look forward to seeing you February 6-10, 2017, in Chaska. |
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ICC affiliate sponsors |
Training & education opportunities |
Educode March 21-25 | Las Vegas, NV |
When Disaster Strikes Institute April 18-19 | Kansas City, MO |
Plan Review Institute April 25-29 | Baltimore, MD | ||||
Code Official Institute June 14-17 | Fullerton, CA |
When Disaster Strikes Institute July 18-19 | Virginia Beach, VA |
Plan Review Institute August 1-5 | Myrtle Beach, SC | ||||
Upcoming shows & events |
World of Modular March 17-20 | San Diego, CA |
ICC 2016 Committee Action Hearings April 17-27 | Louisville, KY |
Modular Construction & Prefabrication Summit March 21-23 | Calgary, Canada | ||||
World of Asphalt 2016 March 22-24 | Nashville, TN |
BATC Builders & Remodelers Show April 7 | Minneapolis, MN |
BAUMA 2016 April 11-17 | Munich, Germany | ||||
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