PMG Education Program

ICC presents a special education program on Plumbing, Mechanical and Fuel Gas (PMG) sponsored by . Register for Full Conference or Education Only.

Tuesday, October 23
PMG Education Program sponsored by
8 – 9:30 am 9:45 – 11:15 am1:30 – 3 pm3 – 4:30 pm
Layers of Protection: Based on the 2018 ISPSC
Carvin DiGiovanni
90 mins
2018 IPC® Significant Changes
Ronald Braun
90 mins
2018 IMC, IFGC® Significant Changes
Jim Tinner
90 mins
Residential HVAC Design Process
John Sedine
90 mins

2018 Annual Conference PMG Education Program

Background: To enhance our position in the PMG arena, the Code Council will offer a PMG program as part of its educational program at the 2018 Annual Conference in Richmond, VA. The program will be promoted as an initiative of our PMG Membership Council, in partnership VPMIA, our Virginia PMG Chapter.

Format: Four 90 minute sessions will be offered, providing a full day (six hours total) of training for PMG officials and conference attendees. At the beginning of the day, opening remarks will be provided by Director Kris Bridges, ICC Board liaison to the PMG Membership Council, highlighting the Code Council’s commitment to its PMG program.

Session One – Layers of Protection: Based on the 2018 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code

Description: This seminar introduces participants to the ISPSC highlighting the safety and building aspects of the code as they relate to protecting the pool and spa user. The presentation will include information on barriers (layers of protection), suction entrapment avoidance circulation systems and energy.

Target Audience: Building Officials, Architects, Building Inspectors, Pool and Spa Contractors, Engineers, Plans Examiners, Plumbing Inspectors

Instructor: Carvin DiGiovanni

Session Two – 2018 IPC® Significant Changes

Description: This seminar introduces participants to the major changes from the 2015 IPC to the 2018 IPC. Participants will discuss the changes, reasons for the changes, and take part in knowledge review activities. Information presented will allow participants to apply these new code requirements to design, plan review, and/or inspection.

Target Audience: Building Officials, Architects, Building Inspectors, Contractors, Engineers, Plans Examiners, Plumbing Inspectors

Instructor: Ronald Braun

Session Three – 2018 IMC, IFGC® Significant Changes

Description: This seminar introduces participants to the major changes from the 2015 IMC and IFGC to the 2018 IMC and IFGC. Participants will discuss the changes, reasons for the changes, and take part in knowledge review activities. Information presented will allow participants to apply these new code requirements to design, plan review, and/or inspection.

Target Audience: Building Officials, Architects, Building Inspectors, Contractors, Engineers, Plans Examiners, Plumbing Inspectors

Instructor: Jim Tinner

Session Four – Residential HVAC Design Process

Description: This seminar introduces participants to the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) HVAC residential design process. It will cover ACCA’s ANSI Manuals J, D, and S and referenced ICC code sections that require calculations to be done for new and existing homes. Participants will discuss the major aspects of heat gain / heat loss, duct design, proper selection of HVAC equipment, and the attributes of both good and bad design. This seminar will also provide additional resources and checklists for contractors and inspectors to help with the design and inspection process.

Target Audience: Building Officials, Architects, Building Inspectors, Contractors, Engineers, Plans Examiners, HVAC Inspectors

Instructor: John Sedine