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Volume 7, Issue 10
June 17, 2010


Code Council Chairs ANSI-HSSP
Accessibility Workshop

A recent ANSI "Accessibility Codes and Standards" workshop in Arlington, Virginia, emphasized building safety codes a as a "first line of defense" and indicated codes are moving forward faster than federal regulations designed to address accessibility issues. Code Council Chief Operating Officer Dominic Sims kicked off the event as the Workshop Chair by emphasizing ICC's "long history in the area of accessibility." ANSI President Joe Bhatia (left) recently visited ICC Headquarters in Washington, D.C., to meet with Code Council CEO Rick Weiland and Government Relations Senior Vice President Sara Yerkes. Click to continue.

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ICC Gives You Two Great Reasons
to Attend the ADA Symposium

The Code Council will provide two presentations at the 2010 National ADA Symposium, June 20-23, in Denver. Council staff members Kimberly Paarlberg and Jay Woodward will discuss code requirements and ICC's coordinating efforts with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Fair Housing Act. Other presentations will be given by representatives of the U.S. Departments of Justice, Education, Defense and National Homeland Security.

ICC Attends First Responders Reception Hosted by VP Biden

Code Council Board of Directors President Ron Lynn (right) and CEO Rick Weiland were guests at Vice President Joe Biden's reception honoring first responders. Vice President Biden told the crowd that the work of first responders is very close to his heart, and that he has great admiration for their commitment and sacrifice made every day around the U.S.

Follow ICC on Facebook and Twitter

The Code Council has expanded its presence into the world of social media, specifically Facebook and Twitter. Two of the Internet's most popular social media outlets are now available for members and nonmembers to keep in touch with the latest news, announcements and related information. Click to continue.

World Standards Day Competition Announced

The U.S. Celebration of World Standards Day Planning Committee is accepting papers on this year's theme—"Standards for Accessibility"—which highlights the critical role of codes and standards for those with special needs. Papers are due by July 23. Read more on how to enter.

US DOE Newsletter Sets the
Standard in Green

A new electronic publication—Setting the Standard—published by the Building Energy Codes Program of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) encourages the exchange of information among building professionals/organizations, state/local code officials, and researchers. The current issue covers building energy efficiency/conservation standards, green building codes, and residential/commercial energy code questions.

New editions of many time-saving references are now available from the Code Council: 2009 I-Code Commentaries, NGBS Commentary, IRC Inspector's Guides, masonry inspection aids, and more.
Great prices. Huge selection. Safe & secure. Buy online.
  Code Question: Expert Committee Interpretations on the 2006 IBC
Code Update: Significant Code Changes to the 2009 IRC


  Read more CODES CORNER

  Buyers Opting for Single-Story Homes
OSHA Building Inspector Pegs Leading Causes of Jobsite Fatalities
CPSC Issues Guidelines Advising Builders/Homeowners on Chinese Drywall


  Read more NEWS VIEWS

Liberal (KS) Building Inspectors Learn to Spot Meth Production
About 650 Portable Classrooms in Dallas ISD Lack Fire Alarms
Estimating Software for Construction
In Our View: More Than A Color
Getting Injured Workers Back to Work...Even Contractors

  Read more BLOG LOG

Report Identifies Immediate Opportunities to Green U.S. Buildings
Green Construction Jobs Rise As Sustainable Building Increases
DOE Proposes New Green Standards for Federal Buildings

  Read more GREEN SCENE

IGCC Public Version 1.0 Available for Download
Help Shape the New IGCC by Attending the Public Comment Hearings
U.S. Conference of Mayors Endorse IGCC
  Read more IGCC TALK | Read the latest IGCC Update
  ICC Calls for Honorary Member Nominations
ICC Members Invited to Attend AIBS International Event
New Opportunity for ICC Members and eCodeCycle Users
    Read more MEMBER NEWS
  FEATURED JOB: Building Inspector II | Nevada City, CA
FEATURED JOB: Plumbing Inspector | Columbus, OH
FEATURED JOB: Fire Protection Engineer | Pikesville, MD


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  Butler Manufacturing and Bay Insulation Embark on Thermal Testing Program with New Guarded Hot Box
Butler Manufacturing and Bay Insulation have embarked on an extensive test program using an apparatus known as a "Guarded Hot Box" that precisely measures thermal conductance through insulated roof and wall system assemblies. The initiative represents a significant investment by Butler and Bay to develop more sustainable, energy-efficient buildings. Butler performs these tests in accordance with recognized standards and is accredited by the International Accreditation Service for quality control. Click to continue
  Read more IAS NEWS
  New ICC-ES Evaluation Reports Available
ICC-ES Evaluation Reports on code compliance—available free to code officials, contractors and anyone else with an interest in the construction industry—provide comprehensive technical evidence that products and systems meet code requirements. The most recently published evaluation reports on innovative products are now available. Each list includes the report number and name of the product(s) recognized for code compliance. Please click here for the complete list of ICC-ES Evaluation Reports.
  Read more ES NEWS
  Your Chance to Attend Final Action Hearings on A Scholarship Starts July 12
The application database for the ICC Foundation's Code of Honor Scholarships will open July 12 and close July 30 for the Group B Final Action Hearings, October 28-November 1, in Charlotte. Applicants may apply for the scholarships in a variety of categories; however, all applicants must be employed as code officials and serving as a Governmental Member Voting Representative, in accordance ICC bylaws. Scholarship awards will fund eligible travel, lodging, ground transportation and conference fee expenses on a cost reimbursement basis.
  Read more ICCF NEWS
  Article: New Green Codes Are Powerful Tools
Indiana Chooses Code Council Plumbing Code to Promote Safe Construction
Code Council Assists Colombian Stakeholders to Upgrade Plumbing Code
EPA Launches New Web Tools to Inform the Public About Clean Water Enforcement
  Read more PMG NEWS
  Welcome to the First Edition of Government Relations News
Government Relations News is designed to keep you informed about local, state, and federal government trends and legislation; codes and standards issues; grant opportunities; efforts in promoting safe and sustainable structures; and ways to get involved. We have toolkits that can be found here. Our Legislative Action Center provides information about federal and state elected officials, legislation we are tracking, and actions you can take on issues that concern you. We are also reaching out through Facebook and Twitter. Contact us for more information.
  Read more GR NEWS
  New Mexico Holds Joint Training Conference
Hawaii Association of County Building Officials 2010 Conference
Valley Building Officials Association Business and Education Conference
AMPTA Co-Hosts 2010 ICC Permit Tech Institute
Former CAAK Board Member Virgil Tracy Puckett Passes Away
  Read more CHAPTER NEWS

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