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Volume 7, Issue 1
January 27, 2010
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First Integrated Green Construction Code
Poised for 2010 Debut

Drafters on the International Code Council's Sustainable Building Technology Committee will hold their final meeting in Austin, Texas, January 28-30 to complete the first public version of the International Green Construction Code for traditional and high-performance commercial buildings. The first public version is set for release in March.

"This will be the first time code officials, owners and designers will have an integrated regulatory framework to put into practice that meets the goal of greening the construction and design of new and existing buildings," according to Code Council CEO Rick Weiland. "Only a code that is useable, enforceable and adoptable will have the capability of impacting our built environment in dramatic ways." ... click to continue

ICC Calls for Using Strong Codes in
Haiti Recovery; Will Work with UN

The Code Council extends support and prayers to the people of Haiti, and for the efforts underway to respond to the devastating impacts of the recent earthquake. As Haiti moves from the challenges of immediate response to those of short‐ and long‐term recovery, ICC CEO Rick Weiland encourages the smart application of building safety codes. ICC will work with the United Nations to determine how it can assist in rebuilding efforts... click to continue

States Adopt 2009 I-Codes Creating Greener, Safer Communities

Homes, schools, offices and other buildings will be safer and more energy-efficient as newly adopted construction codes take effect across the U.S. The California Building Standards Commission voted to adopt the 2009 IBC, IEBC, IFC and IRC statewide, effective January 1, 2011. Recent I-Code adoptions also include Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New Hampshire.... click to continue

2010 Chapter Education Training Benefit

ICC is launching a new Chapter Education Training Benefit. Each chapter in compliance with CP-10 is entitled to an educational benefit. For 2010, the Chapter Training Benefit will consist of one day of training at 50 percent off the listed price for courses and workbooks... click to continue

Public Comment Deadline Final Action Hearings Announced

The public comment deadline for the proposed code changes that will be heard during the Final Action Hearings in Dallas, Texas, is February 8. The first phase of the Final Action Hearings is scheduled for May 14-23 at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel. Registration opens February 1. The second phase of the 2010 Final Action Hearings is scheduled for October 28-November 1 in Charlotte, North Carolina ... click to continue

2006 Certification/Contractor Exams Remain as Paper-Pencil Option

In response to member requests, ICC will continue to offer National Certification exams based on the 2006 International Codes throughout 2010, on paper-and-pencil only. Contractor exams will continue to be available as described in the Contractor/Trades bulletins. The exams will be offered nationwide, at minimum, on a quarterly basis. Additional sites and dates will be published on the ICC Certification & Testing website... click to continue

Updates to popular references are now available for the 2009 International Residential and Energy Conservation Codes, plus new textbooks for high-rise design and green home construction.
Great prices. Huge selection. Safe & secure. Satisfaction guaranteed. Buy online.
  Florida County Official Wins Industry Recognition as Retirement Nears
Dothan, Alabama, Building Official Retires after 19 Years
New Chief Building Official for Del Rio, Texas


  Read more MEMBER NEWS here

  Weak Housing Market Shows Sharp New-Home-Sales Decline in November
Inspector Killed at DIA Had 30 Years of Experience
Fire Chiefs Say Some Legal Marijuana Grow-Ops Are a Safety Hazard


  Read more NEWS VIEWS here

  EPA Seeks Input on Air Toxics Rule for Brick Production
Green Jobs Key to Reducing Nation's High Unemployment Rates
Green Buildings Growth Spurred by Rising Interests, Government Support



  Read more GREEN SCENE here

Upcoming IGCC Meeting
The next drafting meeting of the International Green Construction Code (IGCC) Sustainable Building Technology Committee will be January 28-30 in Austin, Texas.
  Code Question: Expert Committee Interpretations to the 2006 IBC
Code Update: Significant Code Changes to the 2009 IBC
Code Spotlight: Accessibility in Recreation—Getting in the Game
    Read more CODES CORNER here
  Staying Green Keeps in the Black
The Best Industry in the United States
Some Guidelines for Building ADA Accessible Curb Ramps


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  California Approves Requirement for Fire Sprinklers in All New Homes in 2011
California adopted building code changes that will require all new one- and two-family homes and townhouses built in the state starting January 1, 2011, to be equipped with life-saving fire sprinkler systems. The California State Building Standards Commission voted unanimously by a margin of 10-0 in favor of adopting the 2010 California Residential Code, which includes the 2009 International Residential Code as established by the Code Council in September 2008... click to continue
  Read more REGIONAL NEWS here
  LA Basin Establishes a Green Building Standards Committee
The ICC Los Angeles Basin Chapter is starting a Green Building Standards Committee to provide information related to Title-24, Part 11, of the California Green Building Standards Code, and other applicable energy and environmental standards. The committee's tasks include examining and comparing required standards of Part 11 against existing or proposed building and energy standards, and examining and providing public comment to ICC's draft of the International Green Construction Code.... click to continue
  Read more CHAPTER NEWS here
  African Journal Focuses on Code Council's Green/PMG Programs
The Code Council's work with internationally recognized plumbing organizations and coalitions to provide global guidelines for safe sanitation and clean water—an initiative that will help millions of people worldwide—was featured in the September 2009 issue of the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Africa Journal. The article covered the ICC's green sustainability initiatives, including the new International Green Construction Code initiative and the International Plumbing Code (referred to as the "Green Book" by industry professionals)... click to continue
  Read more PMG NEWS here
  Innovative Insulation from Demilec Is Energy Efficient, Environmentally Friendly
For centuries, castor oil has been thought to have healing powers. Today, it has insulating powers. The renewable resource is taking the place of petroleum-based products in spray foam insulation, and leading the way is Demilec, a manufacturer of residential and commercial spray foam insulation. Demilec’s new SEALECTION Agribalance contains 10 percent bio-based content, as verified by ICC Evaluation Service through its Sustainable Attributes Verification and Evaluation Program... click to continue
  Read more ICC-ES NEWS here
  Clark County, Nevada, Recognized for IAS Building Department Accreditation
The Clark County Department of Development Services—Building Division was recognized at the 2009 International Code Council Annual Conference in Baltimore for achieving Building Department Accreditation by the International Accreditation Service. Code Council Board President Ron Lynn, Director and Building Official for the Clark County building department, was presented with a plaque commemorating this achievement during the conference's awards luncheon... click to continue
  Read more IAS NEWS here
  Building Safety Month Toolkits to Be Available Online
Building Safety Month 2010 toolkits will be available to order online in February for delivery during March. Free, downloadable components will include public service announcements, template letters to the editor, proclamations, news releases and public relations campaign strategies. The toolkits support ICC members and non-members to make Building Safety Month a success in their local community. Building Safety Month will be celebrated in May with each week focused on a core theme... click to continue
  Read more ICCF NEWS here

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